Measuring humidity is a little involved but not complex.
Direct-reading instruments calibrated in RH% are good enough for an indication +/- a few percent, but the most accurate measurement (very expensive calibrated instruments apart) are done with two ordinary identical thermometers, side by side, but not touching.
As mentioned above, you may use a Sling Psychrometer But it works like a football rattle where you have to whirl it around in the air to be measured. Not necessarily convenient in a kiln full of wood. They do come up from time to time on Fleabay.
However you can make your own with two thermometers, a piece of wood, some absorbent wick and an old film canister, if you don’t need to use the sling type.
The sensing bulb of one is bare, the other is covered with a clean, close fitting cloth wick the end of which is immersed in a container of DISTILLED water so that it is constantly wet. Don't use tap water.
Draw a constant stream of the air sample across the bulbs.
You are aiming for the two simultaneous temperatures which will be different. Termed the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. (DB & WB).
Next surf the web for a Psychrometric Chart. This is a graph which is a map of all the properties of air and will enable you to plot the DB and WB temperatures and read off the relative humidity. The same chart will also provide the absolute humidity of the air sample and provide you with the amount of water removed over time, taken from repeated readings provided that the air quantity remains the same and you know the volumes of air involved.
This method is very accurate.
Hope it helps.