What grade of wood should I ask for?


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Established Member
31 Oct 2006
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I need to get some softwood to make skirtingboards (using a custom profile on the spindle molder) and to avoid going to the timber supplier and looking like a know nothing numpty, can anyone recommend a grade or something I should ask for to ensure I get something that won't try and turn into a banana as soon as I get it home (like almost every bit of pine I've ever bought has done).

Also, what would be a good thickness margin to allow for surfacing and thicknessing, I want the finished piece to be 22mm thick and my current thoughts are to allow 5mm extra for the prep work?

1" is going to be too tight so it looks like 1.25" (32mm).

Are the skirtings going to be painted?, if so why not use 22mm MDF.
Hi Sean,

Rather than repeat some bit of technogurge, I think there's less danger of looking like a numpty if you simply explain what you want the timber for and what you would like it to be. I'd ask for "some good straight grain", "no large knots" , etc. Chances are then the bod'll take you and show you what he's got, and you can make your mind up. It's always worked for me and the guys in a good timber yard know their stuff and should be very helpful.


Ah Sean, the old timber grading and terminology beast awakes from it's slumber once again.
Despite the number of times this has been discussed here, I still can't pretend to understand all the different terms. I think mostly because i have yet to go to 2 consecutive merchants who use the same vocabulary. Some talk in "firsts" firsts and seconds" "fifths" (nothing inbetween?), "sorted" and "unsorted" etc. - it's all dutch to me. Just when I think I've got a handle on it I'll ring another supplier for a competitive quote to hear them babble on about "standard", "contract grade" and "best joinery".
If, God forbid, you have the temerity to request timber that isn't pretending to be holding up the Clifton suspension bridge sometimes they'll let you pick your own and others won't.
Mostly I rely on the seller being decent enough to advise me based on intended usage and let me have a hand in choosing the boards. If they won't generally I'll vote with my feet and go to someone who will, even if it costs me a bit more.

:shock: Blimey, sorry about the rant - must have touched a nerve there :roll:

As to your actual question; for skirting, especially if it's going to be painted, I don't think you need to go mad with the quality just go for cheap. If you buy Ex 25mm (1") PAR timber (i.e. "Planed All Round" sometimes called PAS - "Planed All Square" from 1" sawn) the finished size will almost certainly be about 21 - 22mm. If you buy sawn and thickness youself 25mm will be adequate for you purpose. After all the back will never be seen and only needs enough removed to be flat enough for a referance surface when you plane the face.
as to being straight, again don't get too obsessed. It only needs to be straight enough to go through the shaper for the profile. You are then going to nail it to a wall (which is almost certainly not dead straght) over a floor (..er ditto)
Oh Look, beaten to the punch by Ike with a far less hysterical version.

*sigh* it's been a long week
good replies :D thanks all.

I'd suggested MDF myself for it's stability, cost and flatness, but Mrs G ruled against it, she's in charge of the painting and prefers to paint wood :?
Why not get the primed MDF skirting? Its good, smooth and inexpensive. Then you can tell your missus that she's not painting MDF but painting primer!


Tim, I'm making it to match the rest of the house, we've just had loads of building work done and I've reused the boards to keep some original features. About 35m short though and couldn't find a close enough match with modern stuff. So I've had a set of cutters made up by NLS and get to use the Spindle for the first time.

I'm not scared :^o of using it, it's not as if they have reputation for eating fingers!!
(I promise to use all the guards Mr Scrit)

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