What do you most like making?


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Well, there I was cutting mortices and tenons for a face frame to go in a in a cabinet I am currently making, and thought about how I was looking forward to making the drawers - and it hit me!!

What do you most like making?

For me it is flush faced drawers - no question!!

I use a thin piece of card (about 0.5mm) to gauge the gap all around the drawer front and also to gauge the height of the side pieces between upper and lower guiderails. With blind DTs front and a dado rear, I get a lovely close fit (of course, different species of wood for sides and front to show off the DTs. :D ) When fitted, the gap is invisible from a few feet away :D

Whenever I open the drawer on my bedside cabinet, I get a lovely feeling of pride as the drawer smoothly runs on a layer of candle wax and slides out without side-to-side or vertical movement. A joy to make and use :wink:

So, what do you most like making?
Rather annoyingly, because it stops other pieces, but it's got to be restoring/ tuning and making hand tools - that's become more and more my focus: I get the same sense of pride/satisfaction when I use them as your drawers give you... :)

Several of my planes are now being used by the third generation of my family's hands, and have over a century's use in them, and have journeyed to Oxfordshire via Spain and Belgium... Suddenly, the price of an infill begins to look good value!!
'Tabletops'. If there is any blemish what so ever on a dining room table you can see it a mile off, so it is a great feeling to get down level with the top and seeing that it is completely flat.


I have nothing in particular that I enjoy doing, I guess its all aspects of WW.

I think my greatest joy is to take rough sawn timber and loveingly turn it into a useful piece of furniture ands trying out new techniques, well new to me anyway.
I think this is going to be an interesting thread! :D

Waka, a good point
Learning a new skill on a piece is always wonderful and comes a close second to my drawers for me :wink:
Well, the obvious answer for me is also tools, like Shady.

I really like making the handles--that's woodworking, right?

Ok, maybe more to the point of your good thread, Tony, I would say for me there are really two aspects I really enjoy. I like the beginning of a project. The picking the lumber and making it ready for the rest. Rough dimensioning.

But I also really enjoy the small details. Cutting in hinges. Edge details. Often subtle things.

Take care, Mike
I like making sawdust and shavings because that means i'm in the workshop. :wink:
Ah now for me its almost anything but I suppose my real favorite are boxes/small cabinets

Sweeping up, or I sould say when I finnish sweeping up and put every tool back in it's place. How come when you do 10 minutes work it takes 15 minutes to clear everything up? is it like that for everyone?

My pet hate is hanging doors, My absolute favourite is the first coat of finnish, when you see what it really does look like.
Lord Nibbo":1iw8n74y said:
How come when you do 10 minutes work it takes 15 minutes to clear everything up? is it like that for everyone?
Well it is for me. Might be a cornish thing - piskies taking stuff out as fast as we're putting it back...? :-k

So far I've nodded in agreement to pretty much every answer so I'll keep thinking and try to pinpoint one thing. :oops:

Cheers, Alf
Yep Devonwoody, to hell with all the bucolic scenes of thatched workshops, contented cud chewing cows, and teams of horses pulling a plough guided by a ruddy faced besmocked cider drinking yeoman.

Business doesn't give a rats buttocks how you make money. It only cares that you do.

Getting paid for your work is top priority.

Now in my hobby of rugby I used to think that being an ankle tackling, ground hugging no. 8 almost as fast as a winger with an eye wateringly deceptive sidestep and silky pass off either hand was tops-- yeah, dream on. But as I've got old I've since learnt that low cunning, underhand sneakiness, unobtrusive cheating, and the ability to wheeze slowly along to be at the right place at the right time is worth a bit too, ha, ha. Slainte.
Lord Nibbo":29q5rcgy said:
Sweeping up, or I sould say when I finish sweeping up and put every tool back in it's place.

I enjoy that as well - it's all part of the sense of satisfaction I get having finished a project,standing back to look at it,and thinking "I made that :D "

Especially if it is something I haven't made before,and all my ideas actually worked :lol:

I don't really have a favourite thing, I enjoy all aspects of woodworking. I do get an enormous feeling of satisfaction from seeing something I have made being used, be it a plate rack or a table. If it looks good and does the job it was meant to do, then what more could I want.

For me its a hard one :-k
As a restorer it is great to get a peice of furniture that some might put in the bin or on the fire ( it has been done ) and put it back into a useable state that some might think, is that the same peice
Or making new furniture :?
I would guess all of it, I will have to think some more :shock:
( I can smell smoke and my head is fealing hot )
Thought hard about this one-it's making "something nice" from that old rough bit of tree that's been sat on the timber shelf. By the time the wax has been buffed off a project it's difficult to believe it was once a slice of tree.
And I just love making those wispy shavings :roll:
Philly :D
I enjoy conceiving a design in my head, translating it to paper, then giving it form. If it involves challenging cuts that I find daunting, so much the better :) .

Seeing the grain appear from under the plane on a rough sawn piece of timber usually makes me feel good.

I really do enjoy making DTs the statisfaction is great after all the stress of marking, cutting and fitting when the object turns out square as well I am still amazed.

As a result of the comp project I did some cold laminating for the first time and that was great fun with an excellant, all be it unexpected result, I look forward to doing it again.

I also enjoy making anything that will encourage remarks such as "you made that, by hand!"
