Welsh road signs - a point of principle too far?


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Digit":1tfqa4tg said:
It's all designed to keep you Saesneg out DW! :lol:


I think its theri husbands that do it. (Did you notice that the i came in late, I definately typed it at the correct position)
A gew weeks ago a survey entitled 'Visit Wales' reported that the English found the Welsh to be uncivil, unhelpful and rude, plus the old Chestnut that as soon as an English appears they switch to speaking Welsh!

Digit":2qf8f7z9 said:
A gew weeks ago a survey entitled 'Visit Wales' reported that the English found the Welsh to be uncivil, unhelpful and rude, plus the old Chestnut that as soon as an English appears they switch to speaking Welsh!


True, I'm afraid. Even on a cross-channel ferry!
Which part?
I live in a part of Wales with more Welsh speakers than anywhere else and have never found ANY of that to be true, and as for their speaking Welsh as soon as the English hove into view I would point out that few English people have their nationality tattooed across their foreheads!
Much more likely that Welsh was being spoken before the complainant arrived!
It is, after all, their country!

"How do I get to ... lan...klang...languwill....langgwill.... Oh, that bloody place? How the hell do you say that in English? Stupid bloody language, isn't it?! It is, tho, isn't it? I mean what's the point? Hello? HELLO? DO.... YOU...SPEAKO....ENGLISHO?" Bloody foreigners!"

Had that a few times. :roll: Please wait whilst I bend over backwards to help you .... :lol:
Digit":15g29c2v said:
Which part?
I live in a part of Wales with more Welsh speakers than anywhere else and have never found ANY of that to be true, and as for their speaking Welsh as soon as the English hove into view I would point out that few English people have their nationality tattooed across their foreheads!
Much more likely that Welsh was being spoken before the complainant arrived!
It is, after all, their country!


The last time it happened to us we were going into the restaurant on a ferry (the expensive one) and the waiter sat us on the table next to two couples speaking English. We said hello, they ignored us and started speaking Welsh.
Uncomfortable for Welsh people to hear, perhaps, but true.
Yep! :lol:
I must admit that the language is difficult for a monoglot Englishman, not so much the words, but the grammer and the different accentuation.
To me a someone who sell rings is a Jeweller, to a native Welsh speaker he is a Jew-eller, and I can't roll my Rs. (I said Rs!)
Far from being rude I find that the Welsh are inherently courteous, if they don't know you they will address you in English, only if you reply in Welsh will they switch.
Our local Council officials open with, 'Bore Da' followed by 'Good Morning,' thereby leaving the choice to you.
My attempts at Welsh have always been appreciated by the locals as attempting to integrate, and any corrections of my mangled attempts have always been accompanied by good humour.
In our village the only English person to fall foul of her Welsh neighbours was an upper class twit who insisted on explaining, at considerable length, where the Welsh were wrong!
The phrase lead balloon comes to mind!

In our village the only English person to fall foul of her Welsh neighbours was an upper class twit who insisted on explaining, at considerable length, where the Welsh were wrong!

Well. I expect that's me put in my place then.
I must have been hallucinating...
Uncomfortable for Welsh people to hear, perhaps, but true.

There are something like three million Welsh, one Swallow does not make a summer.
I have lived in the most Welsh part of Wales since 1990 and after the SE of England I know which I prefer.

No it doesn't, but simply to deny that some people are exceptionally rude (for whatever reason) is not exactly a coherent position, either.
I did not deny that some people are exceptionally rude, I denied that the Welsh as a whole, as suggested in the report, were rude.
I do not deny what happened to you, I simple pointed out that it ran contrary to my experience of twenty years.

We had a wagon driver from Essex come into work a few months back to collect some pallets. He spies the little Welsh flag we put on the forklift and the Welsh rugby shirt I always wear for work.

He then treats me to 5mins of effing and blinding about how "all you Wewsh faakers are caants, intcher?! Wos yor pwoblem wiv the Engwish, eh? Sheep-shaagin' caaants!! Intcher?"

At that point an Asian driver from Birmingham turns up with a delivery. He starts laying into him "Aw gawd, anuvverr faaaakin' P****! why daan yor lot all faaaak off to Wawes an leave Engwund for us? Ay? Ay? Caaaants."

So from this, can I conclude at all those from SE England are racist, zenophobic pineapples?
Some are!
As you know Bryn, here in Wales Rugby isn't a game, it's a religion! England is the 'old enemy' and I don't believe I have the courage to walk into a pub wearing an England shirt on match day! Especially if Wales has just lost!
That aside I live in Wales by choice, and as I have lived in various parts of England my own experience is that the Welsh are amongst the nicest people I have met!
Smudger's experience is unfortunate, but not in my experience in any manner typical.
I met our new neighbour yesterday, a Welshman, we were chatting and he commented about me being an engineer.
I asked him how he knew.
He told me that I had serviced his domestic appliances in the past and added that I was 'renowned throughout the county!'
I retired in 1999!


Come to think of it, he didn't say what I was renowned for! :lol:
God forbid that there exists such a thing as a rude Engishman. Many thanks Roy (honorary Cardi) for speaking in support of us poor, downtrodden Welsh.
Not a bad score though against the Argies. Didn't get to hear how England faired. :wink:
Good that we can have a bit of banter (good humoured, I hope) on the forum. I vote that Roger gets presented with, not a Welsh love spoon but a bl**dy great wooden one all the same.
Cheers, (an English expression)
Poor result for Ireland against the French though Jim. Time they brought in TV cameras as in other sports I think.


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