Angell 62
Established Member
Hello guys.
My darling other half bought me a second hand Cub lathe as a Birthday present and I have been using it for about 2 months. It only has a 2 prong drive chuck and a dead centre tailstock (I have now purchased a live centre).
For her investment however all she gets to see are what I am affectionately calling WOTSITS. Free standing spindles with various inlays, groves, hollows etc out of Pear wood (which by the way has a beautiful colour). Obviously we all start somewhere so I would like to move onto maybe hollowing out one of these Wotsits into a goblet or egg cup or try my hand at a bowl instead of making the prettiest morning sticks for a log burner you ever did see hahaha.
So my question is two fold.
1) Are there any projects I can make with what I have (Drive Chuch and Live centre tailstock)
2) What chuck do i need to purchase to start making simple bowls, goblets and egg cups. Now I have researched a small amount and I know the Cub has an odd out dated thread size (Im not telling the misses because she was so pleased with herself getting it me as a suprise and I love it!!!).
Any help would be appreciated. I will post a pic of one of my Wotsits soon haha
My darling other half bought me a second hand Cub lathe as a Birthday present and I have been using it for about 2 months. It only has a 2 prong drive chuck and a dead centre tailstock (I have now purchased a live centre).
For her investment however all she gets to see are what I am affectionately calling WOTSITS. Free standing spindles with various inlays, groves, hollows etc out of Pear wood (which by the way has a beautiful colour). Obviously we all start somewhere so I would like to move onto maybe hollowing out one of these Wotsits into a goblet or egg cup or try my hand at a bowl instead of making the prettiest morning sticks for a log burner you ever did see hahaha.
So my question is two fold.
1) Are there any projects I can make with what I have (Drive Chuch and Live centre tailstock)
2) What chuck do i need to purchase to start making simple bowls, goblets and egg cups. Now I have researched a small amount and I know the Cub has an odd out dated thread size (Im not telling the misses because she was so pleased with herself getting it me as a suprise and I love it!!!).
Any help would be appreciated. I will post a pic of one of my Wotsits soon haha