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Yo,has any one got this router i am looking at geting it for christmas as my first router and as i am only 15 will be 16 in December

,i will be using it to cut housings,rebates and rounding edges over and light duty stuff like this router is desigined for.Thanks
I'm only 15 aswell. I have the B&Q power performance pro router. It's good lot of features of a professional router at a reasonal price. For more details see my site:
The Trend T3 is identical to the screwfix Ferm one. Are you getting the router table kit or just the router ?
I used to own a Ferm one. It could do all the stuff you want to do - a great way to start routing. I used to suct all my rebates and dadoes with the router but now I have a tablesaw I prefer to use it mostly.
Hey Mike.
Did you get the T3? I bought one a few months ago, it's excellent works (almost) as well
as my T5 but has the benefit of being easily detachable from the base so you can use it like
an omnisaw (I bought mine specifically to cut a laminate floor around the base of a toilet
It's light, easily controlled and for the money, highly recommended.
Hi phale, I sure did get the t3,i wrote the review on this site.I really like it becuse it's light but still powerfull enough for what i have tryed it on so far