Tread Replacement

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Established Member
13 Feb 2014
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Hi All

Having pulled up the carpet ready for the new one to go down a split tread has been revealed. It's also sagging in the stringer as at some point the glue block has come adrift.


I have full but cramped access to the rear of the stair case.

Am I best to replace the tread? If so id be grateful of advice on how? The newel post is going to hinder it coming back out by the looks of it. I was half wondering whether dropping out the immediate riser, after cutting out the split tread might help but now I'm guessing completely.

Thanks in advance


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Number one tread and number two riser have dropped, and I would say the housing has split or rotted away in the wall string.

If you have access, as the bottom tread will be like a box, I would cut a hardwood block offcut exactly the right size with a strip of dpc tacked underneath to lift the tread and attached riser, back to where they should be and pop a couple of screws down through the tread to fix.
Using some offcuts and wedges will get the tread back where it should be to allow some measuring.
Mega work and difficulties to do a notch and scarf repair from underneath.
Regards Rodders
As blackrodd said :) other options for raising the tread prior to putting the block underneath could include putting a decent sized screw in the tread near the riser and using a crowbar or drilling through the tread and use some studding through the hole and wind up a nut and washer from underneath until the desired height is reached.

Thanks chaps. I'll have to see what timber I have available. It might be that I need to glue up some pieces to achieve the right height. Plenty of off cuts though for wedging up!

Best get cracking on it as the new carpet will be here soon.


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You could look at putting one or two bearers under the flight and nailing/wedging up some brackets.
Couldn't find a picture but this one has a cut bearer. Instead you'd do two plain bearers say 50x100, and nail on brackets to the sides.
Or you might do it by nailing brackets to the insides of the strings.
NB are those drill holes in the bottom riser? Somebodies attempt to relieve a damp problem and the cause of the collapse?

Hi Jacob

I like that idea very much and will be easier for me to make up. If the strings are sound I can nail into those.

Yeah the holes are for damp I presume too and were hidden by the carpet! Doesn't smell or feel damp as far as I can tell and I think (hope) it's a past issue.


P.s pushing my luck but can you post a pic of a plain bearer? I am asking the obvious I know but it's make sure I know what you're saying is what I am thinking

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