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At least it's very clearly marked - but I cannot help?

What is the steel item above - looks like a strange pick head?

There are a few makers that used the arrow, but I can't find one like that one. Looks like a shield in the center, and T, S isn't helping me.
Thanks for that research Toby, interesting resource =D>

Harbo":vpmukm9f said:
What is the steel item above - looks like a strange pick head?


As Bugbear has said it is a French style of Twybil which they call a Besaigue" used for mortising.
It is a wonderful bit of kit that I ought to get round to demonstrating (hammer) as it is one of the most asked about items :D
It is used with the hand gripping the handle in a chiselling motion and not swung like an axe.
As it happens there is a section in the 5th ARNOLD & WALKER tool catalogue about these 8)
