Timber supplies


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Established Member
25 Jun 2013
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Since the demise of John Boddy's I have problems sourcing timber. Does anyone know of places, preferably in Yorkshire where it is possible to browse a varied range of planed woods?
The multiples don't seem to want to know us DIYers and I'd rather give my cash to someone who will help and advise a novice.
i think that you will struggle with a range of planed wood. A range of wood that they will plane offers a few more alternatives.

British hardwoods is worth a look.
a few people have mentioned them as a good supplier- may be worth the trip to visit.
I'll give Scawton a try. I've not found British Hardwood at Keighley to have much variety apart from their annual sale event.
At Boddy's it was possible to by boards of exotic and local timbers in small quantities. They are really missed.

It's usually the cheaper option to buy rough-sawn, wherever you buy. But the problem is you need a planer-thicknesser to make it worth while.

The only other way around it is to prepare by hand. To make this easier, cut your components to approximate size, from the sawn boards, for each job. Much more comfortable planing.

The price of oak at the Yorkshire mill looks to be about right btw. I used to buy in stocks of timber, but having a problem now of where to store it, when to find time to use it, makes me wish I'd just bought timber as I needed it; project by project! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Best of luck.
you will struggle with exotics. I have not found anywhere local with anything much.
Thanks for your comments. Will try Scawton. Might have to start buying old furniture and recycling but that looks to be an expensive option.
Once again thanks for your comments.
Hi i find the guys at scawton very helpful and def worth a visit call in at revaulx abbey for a look and coffee when there. Dave