tiling outdoor kitchen worktop


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Established Member
13 Nov 2018
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hi my build of an outdoor kitchen is gathering pace.
I am looking at how to tile the countertop, on a wooden frame, not near any heat.
i want to do it in tile format as opposed to solid surface
i am getting conflicting arguments on what to go under the tiles

all say concrete board, but some say ply, OSB, and felt under the concrete sheet

do i have to put the concrete board onto a ply or osb support sheet if i am supporting it every 300mm along the length?
I'd treat it *at least* as carefully as I would a bathroom or kitchen floor, which means any tilted laid over timber have a layer of 6mm cement board or equivalent to decouple the tiles from any movement in the timber.

Personally, I'd totally dispense with the ply or OSB and tile directly onto 12mm cement board. This is strong, rigid, holds tile adhesive well, and is not degraded by water.
Hi Setch thanks for coming back, if i go just on the cement board at 12mm, if i supported at roughly 300mm intervals do you think that will give it enough support, for the tiles and adhesive, plus anything on the the counter top