Tidying and Senior Moments


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In Memorium
13 Nov 2006
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Despite the freezing weather I felt the urge to do something productive today and make some handles.
I got the lathe ready, timber installed and dividers to hand - but where were my brass ferrules?
Two hours later and frozen I found them - carefully put away, inside a box, inside another box with other brass bits to keep safe!
The number of times I do this!!
I can always remember where they used to be but never where I have "tided" them?
Perhaps I should keep a relocation chart?

I think the logical solution is to be untidy. Works for me ;)
I spent over half an hour looking for the allen key tio adjust my button chuck today - eventually found it tucked inside my belt where i had put it for safe keeping so it wouldnt get lost - doh
Harbo":2esvt0t4 said:
I can always remember where they used to be but never where I have "tided" them?

You're not alone there Rod. I can chuck dozens of things (temporarily :roll: ) into an old biscuit tin and know exactly whats in there months later.
If I tidy up and 'organize' things I always go back to the old tin to try and find what I'm looking for.
There then follows much head scratching, tantrums and naughty words while I try to find the damn things.
And why is it always in the last place you think of looking?

You really ought to think at the start " Where is the last place it would be?"

I often find the garage keys in the freezer! (Not me - I never dunnit)

now what did i do with the paper to write my chart out on ?, :wink: ah yea i think it over hear , now where's is my pencil um um , ah yes it behind my ear. I know the feeling only to well . still keep smiling . hc
I usually carry my specs on a cord around my neck - you know the "old f*rt style", the other day they went missing and I spent some time searching - yes I was wearing them :oops:

Then there was the time I was ready to drive into town - wearing my slippers doh!

Do you really think I should still be using my TS?

kenf":2vg02elf said:
And why is it always in the last place you think of looking?

because you dont go on looking after you've found it so its bound to be in the last place you look !
big soft moose":38kirn51 said:
kenf":38kirn51 said:
And why is it always in the last place you think of looking?

because you dont go on looking after you've found it so its bound to be in the last place you look !

Spot on
I think the logical solution is to be untidy.

You and my son would get on well Tom. This morning I wanted the roll of emery cloth, I know where it is, in the metal working shop. Problem? Son and heir has been working in there! I managed to get in far enough to close the door behind and that was it!

At my age memory is the second thing to go!

Digit":1gtmxaqy said:
I think the logical solution is to be untidy.

You and my son would get on well Tom. This morning I wanted the roll of emery cloth, I know where it is, in the metal working shop. Problem? Son and heir has been working in there! I managed to get in far enough to close the door behind and that was it!

At my age memory is the second thing to go!


You're lucky. I spend ages looking for something and then either:

a) remember that Dan's got it, or
b) phone Dan and he tells me he borrowed it 'whilst I was out'...

At the moment, 2 Japanese saws, a belt sander, my best jigsaw, jigsaw blades (meaning I can't use 2nd best jigsaw), assorted measuring devices...

He tried for the bandsaw, but I wasn't having that, after the chopsaw ended up burnt out in a skip.

And then there's my wife, with my pliers, screwdrivers, abranet (she likes abranet - THEN BUY SOME!), cordless drill, Dremel, and on it goes. And everything she borrows comes back spattered in paint - today my glasses repair kit made an unexplained reappearance after several years! Covered in paint spatters...
Yep! Then they tell you that's what dads are for don't they? :lol:
He's gonna have to do some tidying this week end though, we had a tree fall over night, rotten right through, and a lot of his 'junk' is in the way of the logging operation.

My good mate says he doesn't have "SENIOR" moments, he has (which I think is very apt on this forum) "CRAFT" moments..................


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mark :ho2

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