Tenon saw recommendation


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AJB Temple

Finely figured
13 Oct 2015
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
I could do with a large tenon saw. My old footprint one was knackered yesterday as we accidentally dropped a beam on it.

I'm looking for a reasonably large saw (15 inch or larger), good quality, rip, re-sharpenable, good depth of cut, comfortable handle.

I have Veritas carcass and dovetail saws, and these are good, but I don't like the kook of their tenon saws.

Thanks, AJ
Ebay, or ring around the second-hand dealers. 16" tenon saws are not as common as 14", but they do crop up. That'll be the cheapest way.

The alternative is not to use a backsaw at all. Once the job's bigger than your largest rip-filed backsaw, use a rip-filed panel saw. Dead easy to find a 22" 10tpi saw second-hand, and refiling it rip is about as easy and quick as saw re-filing gets.
LN do a 16" tenon saw, which I am sure would be very good, but obviously spendy.

Flinn do a number of 14" saws, as well as an 18" saw, but the 18" one is also very expensive.
Thanks Steve. I think the biggest Peter does is 12".
Thanks Cheshire - I do have a couple of suitable rip filed panel saws, but for what I am doing I find them unwieldy: I do a better and neater job with a back saw.
I've had a quick look at that 18" Flinn, but its an eye watering £194.50 which is quite a lot for a tenon saw. Does have 5" depth of cut though.
Trouble with eBay is from experience I end up spending hours fettling the the things - really I want it sharp and straight from the off.

Making do with a Japanese saw currently. Quite like them. Cutting on the pull stroke feels very natural.
Checked out eBay. They all look pretty knackered and strong money. I am not sure these things have antique value!
OK, I need the thing so I have bitten the bullet and bought the extremely ugly Veritas 16" rip.

Classic Hand Tools are doing this for £77 inc VAT and delivery, which is over £20 cheaper than Axminster.
AJB Temple":1xpj9cii said:
Checked out eBay. They all look pretty knackered and strong money. I am not sure these things have antique value!

Sadly this kind of thing is gaining in price... I was looking at a router plane as it was implied these go for about £20 on ebay... most were going for £100+ :( Makes a new one, with less charm, a bargain
AJB Temple":oxj74qgl said:
OK, I need the thing so I have bitten the bullet and bought the extremely ugly Veritas 16" rip.

Classic Hand Tools are doing this for £77 inc VAT and delivery, which is over £20 cheaper than Axminster.

I would be interested in your thoughts on the saw once you have given it a good go, if you don't mind? Been considering one of these saws for a while.

As a side note I don't mind the look of the Veritas saws but then again I am not one for shiny brass etc.
sundaytrucker":1qjnomr6 said:
AJB Temple":1qjnomr6 said:
OK, I need the thing so I have bitten the bullet and bought the extremely ugly Veritas 16" rip.

Classic Hand Tools are doing this for £77 inc VAT and delivery, which is over £20 cheaper than Axminster.

I would be interested in your thoughts on the saw once you have given it a good go, if you don't mind? Been considering one of these saws for a while.

As a side note I don't mind the look of the Veritas saws but then again I am not one for shiny brass etc.

Review please AJB :D
Crop up on ebay a lot though anything bigger than 14" gets rare. Old saws are usually really cheap and good value.
E-bay stuff tends to be overpriced for anything decent, takes a while to arrive, is pot luck and I need to spend time straightening, setting and sharpening. As I have a full time job and am in the middle of assembling an oak frame building that I have made, time is at a premium for me so it works out cheaper just to buy new gear. The Veritas 16" saw at £77 is a bargain in this context.

Hand tools on e-Bay seem to have acquired some sort of antique artisan mysticism. There are bargains, but there is also a lot of overpriced knackered stuff out there as far as I can see.
Indeed! The prices have gone up. I bought rip and cross in the end at the lower price. I will do a review when I get chance. In fact I have a few tools that I should review now that they have had some heavy use.
Excited by this thread; I just got a nice 16" tenon saw on ebay. Plenty of blade depth left. Wasn't cheap £30 ish but I was a bit hasty - sometimes go for very little esp if wrongly described.
The only thing wrong with it is a half hearted "restoration". I wish they wouldn't bother it's always completely unnecessary and pointless except for sharpening. I'd pay more for 50 years untouched by 'uman 'and.