Halo Jones
Established Member
I know this isn't directly woodwork related but I know a few here have done some hefty house improvements and with your help I promise a WIP with some attached woodwork!....
We want to do something quite modest - essentially return part of our house to its original room configuration. The only difference is to remove a section of supporting wall to open up our kitchen/dinning room into a more open space (It will give about a 2.5 to 3m span). Now this supporting wall is only made of 4x2 stud work and only holds up the joists of an upstairs bedroom and one non-supporting partition wall. Our local building control have insisted I get a structural engineer or "comeptent person" to do the calculations. I have now received quotes from two structural engineers who seem to want about £2.5K for their work. That is about half our original intended budget for the whole job! I don't mind paying for calculations but are these really serious quotes or am I being silly? I know there are univeral tables for universal and point loads for bedrooms and stud walls so I presume there are tables for appropriate RSJs to match?
We want to do something quite modest - essentially return part of our house to its original room configuration. The only difference is to remove a section of supporting wall to open up our kitchen/dinning room into a more open space (It will give about a 2.5 to 3m span). Now this supporting wall is only made of 4x2 stud work and only holds up the joists of an upstairs bedroom and one non-supporting partition wall. Our local building control have insisted I get a structural engineer or "comeptent person" to do the calculations. I have now received quotes from two structural engineers who seem to want about £2.5K for their work. That is about half our original intended budget for the whole job! I don't mind paying for calculations but are these really serious quotes or am I being silly? I know there are univeral tables for universal and point loads for bedrooms and stud walls so I presume there are tables for appropriate RSJs to match?