Sticky advice needed

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23 Feb 2005
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North Wales
I have an oak block floor laid on to concrete with some sort of bitumen adhesive. It appears they are blocks 48x480 made up of 16. 120x120 sections and each section made of 5 120x24 mil strips. I have noticed that in one place a small section is lifting. If I put a weight on it for a while it stays down, but will then lift again. I don't know how long the floor has been down as it was there before we came to live here about 14 years ago. I need some kind of bitumen adhesive to stick it down. Local DIY sheds can offer no solution, so could anyone reccomend anything. I see in Toolstation they have a cold applied bituminous adhesive for for bonding layers of roofing felt and may try this if no other solution is forthcoming

I view of the age of the floor I would like to bet that it was laid on pitch, as my late ex floor layer father-in-law used to call it. He used to get it in rather large lumps and melt them in a galvanised bath over a gas burner! I recall that roofers used to do the same to stick felt down on flat roofs. I guess that H & S might frown on that method now.

Before trying Elka adhesive suggested by" chippymart" I lifted a piece and using a blowlamp played it on the black stuff and it began to melt, so I quickly laid the piece back down' stood on it for a while and it seems to be stuck down OK.
Thankyou for your replys, it seem the problem is solved.
