Startrite 352 Buying Advice...

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Established Member
7 Jun 2016
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I've been looking out for a used 352 as my first bandsaw (after reading so many recommendations on this forum!).
Found this one on ebay - ... EBIDX%3AIT
Bit concerned about the seller having zero feedback, I sent them a message asking if it was in working order and they replied that it was, but it needs to be wired as a cooker would be. Is this normal? Anything else I should be checking for?
They are telling you that you can't just plonk a 13 amp plug on the cable and expect it to run. It sounds like it requires a 16amp supply so you will need to organise that in your workshop if you don't have it already. Start up load is quite high.
Mine (similar vintage 352) runs off a 13a plug no problem. That looks to be in decent superficial knick but missing the mitre gauge and spanner. Has the original fence though which is rock solid but often missing. The depth stop for tenons not there but you can easily work around that. Would also be worth asking if the current owner has the cabinet keys. I'd check it in person if I were you but on the face of it a good deal could be had there.
The 352 is on my list of tools for the new workshop. You see plenty go through ebay, many of them are sold by people who find one in their dad's garage and have never sold anything on ebay ever before. Often they seem to attract no bids until the last 60s then they almost always sell between £400 and £500 quid, i was watching two last week, the auctions finished a few days apart but sold for £477.77 and £477.76! I saw one on gumtree local to me for £300 and the seller said she had literally had half of Scotland ring her about it.
Thanks all...I've probably advertised that one by putting it on here!
Spark's coming in next week to wire up the workshop so I shouldn't have thought a 16A supply will be too much extra bother.
I get the impression that the 352 is a solid machine so not too much that can't be put right.

I have a 352. It runs off a normal 13 amp socket with no problems.

That one looks to be in typical fairly good nick and as a +ve has the fence.

Things to check:-
1) Power it up and listen for squeaks
2) Open doors whilst running to check that door interlocks work
3) Examine wheels tyres for wear and deterioration. These can be easily replaced and are fairly cheap.
4) Check that the tension device will run upto the full height with increasing resistance.....if its too light then maybe a new spring is needed.
5) Check the upper / bottom guides. Usually metal triangles for wear. They don't usually wear too much and can be flattened using a sheet of wet & dry on glass and work well for many years and most types of blade.
6) Ignore the missing mitre gauge unless you wish to haggle
7) Check with seller about lubrication....he has probably neverv done any.

I would buy it sight unseen and run away laughing hysterically.

Things to do to it when you have got it home
a) Clean it
b) Flatten guides
c) Add in above and below table dust extraction...this bit is quite important
d) Seal up the lower portion to the RHS and bottom so that dust extraction can work well....thin ply or MDF would work. This activity really cleaned up the dust ex on mine.
Good luck
If you don't get an absolute lemon I'd be very surprised if a 352 won't comfortably do everything you'd want it to as an amateur. Set it up right, put a decent blade in it and a machine in good order will do you proud. Puts the weak and tinny far eastern made machines available for upwards of £900 new to shame IMHO.
What the others said!

Looks identical to mine which has never been fitted with anything but a 13 amp plug with absolutely no issues whatsoever and it's 30+ years old. You shouldn't need 16 amp.

I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of a mitre guage as easy enough to buy one and fit a new slider bar to suit the table. The manual is pretty basic but available foc on line along with parts diagrams and most parts available to buy. PM me with your email address if you can't find it and I'll send you the pdf

One thing to look out for is the condition of the top and bottom rear thrust rods. The originals had TCT or hardened ends which seam to go missing or grooved. They aren't cheap but I replaced mine with steel rod to which I'd stuck std square TCT tips using JB Weld as recommended on the forum.. I made some spares but the first attempts are still going strong.

The 352 has it's niggles but dependable and built like the proverbial brick s**t house.
According to the plaque on the machine its only 760watts, that's 3.5amps running demand, may need a bit more on start up, as the others have said it will run on a 13amp supply without any problem, unless you are running something with a high power requirement on the same ring main.

I have exactly that model and I've no complaints. As the others have said, they often fetch good money. Mine runs off a 16 A supply - if you are having the workshop rewired it makes sense to put one (or more) in for machines with induction motors. Whilst it would run on a 13 A plug, I found mine would blow a 13 A fuse on start up every once in a while and it became a bit of a pain. Your spark will know about this, but you want a C-type breaker to allow the motor to draw a big load momentarily on start up.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
Didn't bag that particular machine on ebay but managed to get another one from a nice old retired couple in Essex - looks to be in better condition than the one I lost out on.
Busy tidying it up (flattening guides etc).
Couple of questions -
What's the extending round bar running parallel to the fence?
Any advice on getting the two sides of the table flat?
Finally...any tips on setting up dust extraction? I can rig up my Festool CTL hose to sit by the bottom blade guide, not sure if this will be sufficient though.


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Looks like you've done well there! The bar on the fence flips over can be used as a depth stop for tenons and the like. Get yourself some decent blades, set it up well and I'm sure it will do all you ask of it.
Good evening all. I have just bought a startrite 352s.. the previous owner took it apart looking for a fault in The motor.. he bought a new one and i stalled it but passed away before finishing it. My problem is all the wires from the on and of switch are disconnected as well as the speed selector.. and the motor. Can any one help. Thanks
The manual (available online) should have the wiring diagram for the 352. Have you been able to find one?