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Little Woodworm
2 Jul 2012
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A friend gave me several pieces of exotic timber last summer, among them were two lumps of Grass Tree root, odd looking things, and even stranger to turn, no shavings, dust from the off, or rather very very short fibres, but dust like enough to absolutely demand a breathing filter, I usually do anyway, but here it was vital.

All went well until the final stages of hollowing when I got a small catch and the thing flew into 5 separate pieces, I was not happy. But once I recovered the bits I found that they knitted together prety well, so, much CA later, it was back in one piece, I finished hollowing it out and tidied up the outside to blend the small ridges where the joins were, and finished it with shellac.

It is about 7 inches wide and 4 inches or so tall.

Just a couple of pics.


A really lovely piece, if you hadn't said about it breaking no one would of been any the wiser. =D> =D> well done
One very nice piece of turning and a lovely piece of wood the finish brings out the grain a treat, a shame about the break up and you are very lucky that all the parts fitted back together of which you made a fantastic job of without hardly any signs off. As said before would not have known if you had not told us
that Is very Nice I Would not have noticed the disintegration unless it was pointed out to me it shows class that has been salvaged from near disaster just goes to show what can be achieved from a complete mishap well done like the form and finish I just wanna know where you get them from each time I see a masterpiece =D> =D>
Brilliant piece of turning ,finishing ,and saving . as has been said it would have been a crime if it were lost . =D> =D>