SketchUp - (Follow Me)?

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Established Member
21 Jun 2005
Reaction score
Bideford, North Devon

I have a problem with using "Follow Me" the way Dave R mentions in "SU Project for beginners".

Dave R Wrote:-
"I also put in the chamfer on the top outer edges. I started the chamfer as I did on the rail but since it continues around the corner, I used Follow Me to make it. there are a couple of ways to handle the Follow Me operation. I like to select the path before selecting the tool.

Then select the Follow Me tool (I have F set as a shortcut for that) and click on the triangular face. Presto! Chamfers".

I have only been able to select one line at a time. How do you select two lines that are at right angles to each other?

I hope this makes sense. If not, don't hesitate to ask.
Gary, with the select tool click on 1 of the lines, hold down shift and click on the next line. This should highlight both lines (the path you want follow me to follow).

John McM
John, thanks for anwering Gary's question. I've been away to see my 93 year old grandmother.

Gary, you can also use Ctrl with the Select tool. Shift will also allow you do deselect something if it is already selected.