Sheoak tote and knob

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Derek Cohen (Perth Oz)

Established Member
2 Mar 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Carrying on the tradition begun by Alf ....

Below are pictures of a Sheoak tote and knob replacement for the Veritas LA Smoother made for me by a woodworking friend.

The new tote has a lower angle than the original, and the knob is now very similar to the remainder of the BU range.

I did make a few modifications. Mainly rounding some of the tote and knob so that it fitted my hands better. I refinished both in BLO and black wax.




This feels a definite improvement over the old.

Regards from Perth

Lovely job, Derek! I really must get my hands on some of those great Oz timbers.
I replaced the front knob of my LA smoother with the one from the LA jack/BUS. A much better feel!
Philly :D
I've got a big Sheoak growing in my front yard. When I see pictures like this it makes me want to start hacking bits off it for use in the workshop. :shock: I must resist.

Tuits are very scarce items, especially the round ones

but you`ll always know when you get a round tuit :D :wink:

to put you out of your misery......

a TUIT is a reference to a job that gets done.....when you get around to it (tuit) :D
How about old growth Tasmanian blackwood or Mulga?

Hi David

I have not used Mulga but Tasmanian Blackwood can be spectactular. Amazing chatoyance is possible. Below is a Spier smoother with Tassie Blackwood infills and Jarrah tote that I rebuilt several months ago. Unfortunately the picture loses the 3D depth of the grain

Yeah, I know - you need your sunglasses to view it!

Regards from Perth
