I've built an 8' x 8' shed base consisting of 18mm OSB on 100 x 47 tantalised timber bearers at 400mm centres, this base is sat on a DPM sheet on top of a patio area.
I was planning on folding the edges of the DPM up on to the edges of the shed base and fixing the stud work walls so the whole underneath of the base is wrapped and fully waterproof from the elements and rising damp.
However I then started wondering about the potential problem of rodent infestation with the underneath of the shed being warm and dry?
We don't seem to have much of a problem with them (Rats, Mice) in this area and our back garden is regularly visited by several of the neighbourhood cats.
Would I be better off leaving the bearers unwrapped by the DPM?
I was planning on folding the edges of the DPM up on to the edges of the shed base and fixing the stud work walls so the whole underneath of the base is wrapped and fully waterproof from the elements and rising damp.
However I then started wondering about the potential problem of rodent infestation with the underneath of the shed being warm and dry?
We don't seem to have much of a problem with them (Rats, Mice) in this area and our back garden is regularly visited by several of the neighbourhood cats.
Would I be better off leaving the bearers unwrapped by the DPM?