Really interesting woodturning site

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Great link! That's a lot of information right there.

It's amazing the amount of stuff you find when casually browsing. I downloaded entire volumes of American Woodworker magazine and Today's Woodworker magazine. Not as nice to browse through as a paper copy but hey, they were free. I don't buy magazines now as I find they are not good value for money (yep, I'm a tight wad) by the time I take out the articles that don't interest me, and the adverts, there's very little left for £3 - £4. Very often I can buy a book off ebay for about that. I also bought a DVD containing all the copies of Fine Woodworking from 1 to 201, 200 issues. (You might think with access to all this information that my woodworking skills might have improved, but I am still at the 'garden woodworking' stage.

I have found plenty on that site and used some of his Ideas over the years. I quite often link to his sharpening system to those that are starting out and can't afford things like the Sorby Pro Edge