project warping

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31 Jan 2010
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Hello to all need a bit of help i have just done a project its a set of bedside drawers and i work in my shed.and its not warm lol anyway i built them and thay was fine but when i got them in the house thay sarted to warp.bad is there anything i can do to stop this from happing on other projects like should i let the wood dry out in the house things like that many thanks
got it in one. let the wood acclimatise inside for a few weeks. Probably bring the project in overnight too as you build it.
Do you know if the wood was air or kiln dried or how dry it was? A finish may slow down the warping process but will not stop it and would make it worse if only finished on one side; the other factures are construction, timber choice and patience which is sometimes to most difficult one.

patience which is sometimes to most difficult one.

+1 If i have the patience then i dont have the time or is it the other way round :)
I'm wondering what construction methods you used — ideally a design should be able to compensate for or absorb a fair degree of wood movement without it being a problem. Can we see a picture?!
Can not send any pics because i am working away can you give me any advice on construction metheds to help stop it haperning many thanks

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