Ply wood

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19 Mar 2021
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Hi there

This is my first post.

I am learning about woodworking, my goal is to build furniture for my own use, I watched a lot of guides on YouTube on how to create cabinets, drawers etc majority I found are from the US.
and their go-to plywood is baltic birch, in the UK I found it too be quite expensive.

I know that my first projects will be far from perfect and I plan to create some just as exercise until I feel confident that my skills are up to the task and I will not waist expensive material.
What would you recommend to use at the start? What suppliers would you recommend?

thanks :)

Welcome and hopefully you will find a wealth of info and knowledge on these forums.

Whilst learning and producing scrap, I would say we have all gone through this phase and I still do make some monumental cockups that instead of using decent ply use MDF, but it requires a different approach than other materials. I would avoid chipboard, just the word to me means bargain basement and reminds me of MFI.

What sort of workshop do you have and tools at your disposal?
Hi Roy

Thank you for a quick reply.

I have a table saw (arriving today), circular saw, router, chisel set, Trend PH/JIG Pocket Hole Jig, hammers, cordless drill, bits, hand saw etc.
Worksop at the moment not much, except back garden and small shed. I will be putting a roof over part of my garden and at a later stage, I want to rebuild my shed to be larger to accommodate tools and space to work around. I am not fond of MDF due to the amount of dust it creates and I was not sure if it behaves the same way as plywood. I didn't want to get into bad habits.

cheers :)
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