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Well, there's odd and there's odd, but I think that the people who put those 2 on the web, or anywhere, really need to get out a bit more and get some sort of life.

The bit about Liz being named after the QE2? I wouldn't have thought that using a photo of Margaret was the best way of showing your knowledge of anything let alone the Royal family?
The bit about Liz being named after the QE2? I wouldn't have thought that using a photo of Margaret was the best way of showing your knowledge of anything let alone the Royal family?

That is exactly the point of using that picture. Humour is a matter of personal taste.
both papers written by illiterate would be journalist, they got one thing right of course never let the fact get in the way of the newsprint.
There's nothing wrong with thinking something is unfunny crap, but I struggle to believe some people could unintentionally misinterpret the intent. :roll:
Very, very funny. Can't believe some thought it was serious....

Used to love "Two fat slags" and "Billy the Fish" and Top Tips such as:

1-Instead of spending a fortune on a washing machine and washing powder give your clothes to a charity shop who will wash and iron them and you can buy them back for 50p.
2- Drive with your headlamps on and everybody will think you're a rich ****** driving a Volvo.
3- Want to check if your fridge light goes out when you shut it? Drill a hole in the door.
4- Why waste money on expensive binoculars? Simply stand closer to the object you wish to observe.

Can't remember any more.