newbie wants elm slab finishing advice

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25 Jul 2009
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hello people . i was wandering if any of the fine experienced minds out there would be willing to advise a very keen and eager novice on there opinions to the best way to finish a beautiful slab of waney edged elm being used to build a coffee table. eg i would like a very smooth finish( what grit to go to) and a finish to bring out the grain because when it is damp it looks very tasty.
all thoughts and preferences welcome.
The Elm can be given a very smooth finish if you ROS from 120 to end up at 320, then use Osmo Poly X in satin. The technique to use is to wipe or brush on as little as poss then wipe the excess off till it looks "mark" free. Then wait 8hrs or so and do again and again until you have the depth you want. I used this on my Elm Sideboard and every other item I now make as it's so easy and gives everything a great lustre. Do a coat in the morning and last thing at night for a few days, very tough as its meant for floors :wink:
If you decide to try the Osmo and have difficulty finding it, I can recommend Fiddes Hard Wax Oil as an alternative. Similar stuff. Axminster and Relics (1/4 of the way down the page) both stock it. My local flooring people prefer it to the Osmo for ease of application, but both have a good reputation.

Good luck

have almost finished my table just some gluing to be done . legs were joined with mortice and tenons to the top the rest you can see. bare in mind this is my first attempt at a table . finished with finishing oil in the end and i may put a coat or two of wax on. joints are a little rough but im pretty pleased with results. hope you like.


Ah, just commented on this in the general section and didn't realise it was yours! Excellent, looks like you chose the right finish