It's quite a story and I'll try and keep it as short as possible. We currently have a large shed at the bottom of our garden and I believe it's made from something called Chipboard though I could be wrong. It looks like shavings of wood glued together to form an actual wall. Three of the walls inside have mould and from this I think it's a fair guess to say the wood is probably rotting. I have also assumed that as such the wood will no longer be very good and would need replacing. The issue is I cannot check inside due to having asthma and it isn't worth me taking the risk. Personally I would have never used whatever the shed has been made out of and this was the choice of my dad and his dad. Well picture short due to circumstances my dad doesn't live with us and cannot come and help due to circumstances and his father who does woodwork is a total ***** so that's a no go. I've never done anything with wood aside from making a really bad toy train/car thingy and would be seeking help from someone or perhaps a few people to help undertake such a project. Due to the size of the shed I was thinking about rebuilding it with the proper materials especially since it takes up the whole bottom section of the garden and as it has a concrete foundation it would look really weird having half of it have a shed on and the other half not, it would look like an eyesore. Back to the point. My question is about buying the timber. I've had a look around and from what I have seen it is pretty damn expensive and to build a shed from scratch I am probably looking at a decent amount to do it. Firstly I'm unsure what type of wood I'd need though I understand you can get different woods for outdoor use I'm not sure what wood to go for and how well it will weather. Which wood is good for the price, what type I should get, I'm referring to the method that the wood has been cut, I've heard sawn is a fair bit cheaper. I hope you get the point. Not that this should matter but I'm only in my early twenties with zero knowledge or experience and if I knew people to ask I would have but considering the situations I've got to make do with what I have. I do truly appreciate the help that people offer me in life and I am always forever grateful. Thank you, -Scream.