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Established Member
13 Nov 2024
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Hi, I'm Mike, a long time woodworker who started in my Dad's garage, got his own 6x8 shed, and just this year I've had a 12x8 workshop built, which I've insulated and boarded and am now setting up, complete with long work bench, french cleat wall, and Charnwood lathe, which I bought second hand this summer.


I do a lot of garden projects like raised beds (Gardening is my main passion!), and last year built a small potting shed from scratch. It's nice to have somewhere warm to go out of season to keep myself occupied/entertained! I intend to build my skills up as at the moment my work is fairly rough, and would like to eventually sell my work at craft fairs/on etsy or something, not that I'm reliant on that. Now looking to get a small bandsaw (just posted on that), and to get all my tools on the wall and the rest of the workshop tidy, as it's a bit of a mess, need to get some shelving up.

Though this is my first day posting, I've found these forums invaluable in the past few months, your posts have really helped me on workbench design, insulation etc. Thanks!
Thanks very much! But I'm in Leicestershire, though not that far away I guess!
Compared to some of the places I’ve worked in Leicester is just up the road , my x employer had a massive training centre there ( b gas ) we was always being sent there , had an onsite museum full of weird old gas appliances- gas radio, wooden gas cooker etc not sure if it’s still there as left a few years ago ..
Compared to some of the places I’ve worked in Leicester is just up the road , my x employer had a massive training centre there ( b gas ) we was always being sent there , had an onsite museum full of weird old gas appliances- gas radio, wooden gas cooker etc not sure if it’s still there as left a few years ago ..
Ah yes, the Gas museum! Never visited but I know it.
Welcome along, super looking workspace and a bench already, oh get you! ;)
Thanks! Yes, no kids = somewhat disposable income. I've got 3 nephews and a Neice anyway, what'd I need kids for? 😂
I did sell my Pizza oven to get the money to make that workbench though!
Welcome :)

'5 Clamps'
:LOL: thats going to change...

..You'll need G cramps, band cramps, sash cramps, edging clamps, and lots of them.

And when you've got all of those you'll look and say. "I think I need more clamps"
Yes, 4 cheap wilco ones, one long Parkside guide rail thing. You're quite right, I need clamps!
I do have more tools than you see on the wall there, just haven't made enough holders for them! Bit of a hiatus whilst I'm in the middle of a raised bed/soil excavation project. Meet Minnie, my foreman:

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