I've precious little time to spend in the workshop these days having a 6 week old baby. So imagine my delight when I began assembling the sides of the cot I'm building only to find the pieces not quite fitting together properly. I checked them for square and sure enough they were out by a couple of mm.
Thing is I only trued up my mitre saw a few weeks ago. I moved it once to make some 45 degree cuts and then lo-and-behold it's out of square again.
There's a lesson to be learned here, thing is I thought I'd already learned it at least twice before...
Thing is I only trued up my mitre saw a few weeks ago. I moved it once to make some 45 degree cuts and then lo-and-behold it's out of square again.
There's a lesson to be learned here, thing is I thought I'd already learned it at least twice before...