My Favourite Time of Year is only two days away!

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Don't get me wrong - I love Christmas. Today I will enjoy being with SWMBO and the kids, making a dinner to shame Jamie Oliver, having the folks round etc etc, and tomorrow is a round of parties & drinkipoos but for me the very best time is from Wednesday to Friday.

My two staff are off for the week, the answering machine will tell the world that we're closed until the New Year, and for three precious days I will have the workshop TO MYSELF!!

For three days I will be able to pretend that I am one of you lucky guys who do this lark for fun! No deadlines to meet, no customers from 50 miles away mithering about a cupboard door that has slipped by half a millimetre, no suppliers chasing payment, no telesales parasites phoning on behalf of rates reduction services, mobile phone companies, or charities, just me and whatever radio station I want to listen to!

All I'm going to do is fettle every machine, re-arrange some storage, and build a new router table. I can't wait!

Happy Christmas
