Multico morticer depth guage

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Established Member
31 Oct 2013
Reaction score
west wales

I have a second hand multico m3 new to me and I can't make the depth guage stay in place. I think it was adapted.

Can someone tell me how the original worked?

Basically the little bit of metal I'm meant to tighten with a nut on the circular depth runner keeps slipping. Can't seem to tighten it enough.

The little bit of metal has a split in it (deliberate) - is that meant to tighten with a nut or something?
It could be.

Wondering what I can do as an alternative - would a nut and bolt going all the way through the two holes tighten it? Or maybe re-thread it with my aldi tap and die set!!
Rethread it would be best option

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Ok potentially stupid question. Do I rethread both holes or just one? One is smooth the other is threaded (each side of the gap) I'm presuming only one needs threading but can't see how it draws the gauge tight?
Just one.

The hole near the bolt head should be sloppy ( not threaded ) ;) so as the bolt screws in the thread it pinches up tight

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Is it my machine or is it a bit of a pig to get the mortise bit in the machine?

Hold the bit in whilst tightening the nut and bolt? Only got two hands! Any easier ways?
Put the bit in after the chisel, or let it rest on the bed. They can be a bit tricky if the chisel shanks a bit snug. Some fine abrasive (400 ish) might remove any rust patches and make things slide in smoother ;)

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