Mr. Fred Goodwin

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He needs it to pay for his hair replacement, poor lamb.

I can say this as I am folicly challenged my self, all right I am going bald.

I just have mine cut short and therefore avoid needing a high salary.

So when he accepts he is losing his hair they can cut his salary.

Rog, you asked about Rooney's salary, I did a bit of checking. According to the BBC a ticket for a league match at Anfield is £46.95p, multiplying that by the seating capacity, ok they may not fill all the seats at every match, grosses £2.125.708.2, this using Wiki's seating capacity figures.
This figure does not include programmes nor anything that Liverpool FC may make from refreshment licenses etc.

Erm, does Rooney play for Liverpool now then?!

You forgot to add replica shirt sales, TV rights, sponsorship and marketing. Plus the individual players sponsorship deals on top of their salary. Makes me wonder whether I should have tried harder in PE at school!
I think it is absolutely shocking that they stripped him of his knighthood, which I must add was received in 2004. At the end of the day it was not just him who was involved in the banking crisis. All of the banks were highly leveraged and when the crunch came there were unable to cope.

If you were going to dish out the blame for the financial crisis then I would start with the Bank of England, the FSA and especially the ratings agency. All of those I mention have never been made accountable and no one has been fired for it. The Treasury certainly did no complaining during the boom times as it filled their coffers.

Don't get me wrong, Fred Goodwin made a monumental error of judgement in buying ABN Amro, but stripping him of his knighthood is just another sorry example of our pathetic politicans bowing to the public.
flanajb":3bdszqu1 said:

Don't get me wrong, Fred Goodwin made a monumental error of judgement in buying ABN Amro, but stripping him of his knighthood is just another sorry example of our pathetic politicans bowing to the public.

Can't agree with you on that score. He was supposed to exercise due diligence as a board director. He did not. On a massive scale. Cowboy banker. As was Hornby at HBOS.
RogerS":3ip8do9p said:
That has MADE my day! Brilliant result.

Doug...none have presided over the largest collapse of a bank in history. I'm just surprised that he hasn't been investigated for malfeasance.

Correct me if i'm wrong but does he not need to be a public officer thereby making RBS at the time a Public Authority, which arguably could be the case now but not at the time of the Malfeasance

The similarly named malfeasance (or misfeasance) in public office is a tort. In the House of Lords judgement on the BCCI Malfeasance Case it was held that this had 3 essential elements[3]:
1.The defendant must be a public officer
2.The defendant must have been exercising his power as a public officer
3.The defendant is either exercising targeted malice or exceeding his powers.
Stripped of his title?

Made a scapegoat?

I'm sure Mr Fred (multi-millionaire) Goodwin is really bothered.

doorframe":15vtiw6l said:
I'm sure Mr Fred (multi-millionaire) Goodwin is really bothered.


Oh he is, believe me, he is. To us mere mortals trying to scrape a living, the size of Goodwin's pension pot is eye-watering. But when you get to his level, all his peers also have eye-watering pensions, pay packages etc and so the only thing that set him above them (and incredibly important to the psyche/ego of someone like him) was his knighthood.

Which he has lost.

Pure schadenfreude.
I thought one of the reporters on BBC Breakfast yesterday summed it up by referring to his 'arrogant hubris'. This attitude was reinforced by an ex manager that was gobsmacked when attending a presentation given by Goodwin just after joining the bank where he had the audacity to use Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' video as an introduction suggesting he saw himself as an equivalent to MLK!

The final factor to me was the fact that due to his mismanagement WE have had to bail the bank out by providing £45 billion - which works out at about £725 for each and every person in the country.

The fact that he received his gong for services to banking means that as far as I'm concerned its removal for the huge disservice he has done is fully justified.

flanajb":qjqdbq2v said:
Don't get me wrong, Fred Goodwin made a monumental error of judgement in buying ABN Amro, but stripping him of his knighthood is just another sorry example of our pathetic politicans bowing to the public.

I think that is called democracy