Movable MDF walls

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Established Member
23 May 2016
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Cape Town, SA

Need to fit out an advertising agency office so the owner has some 'arty' ideas.

She is wanting movable walls.

They need to be at least 2400mm high ideally 2600mm.

There are two banks of walls, one run being a total run of 7875mm ( 3 x 2625mm sections )the other 5100mm ( 2 x 2550mm sections).

They are to be movable so will be set on castors with a plinth to hide the wheels.

My intention is to build the walls with a solid top and bottom connected with rib sections ( like a hull ) to reduce the weight of the wall panels, clad with 6mm MDF

My question is this, what should I make the width of them to make them stable. I am thinking 500mm / 600mm?

I was also thinking of putting 'weight' at the bottom to stop it being top heavy. Not sand , whats dry and heavy?

Thanks for any input

An Englishman in Cape Town
Thats going yo be quite a challenge.

If they are swivel casters there is a lot of resistance when changing direction, so could make them unstable.

I would think 600mm minimum depth

High density concrete blocks perhaps.
Hello sucramuk
How often are they to be moved around?
A few years ago I did a lot of work for a company that rented out temporary office space, we used a demountable partition system, you can reconfigure office space very quickly and really do mean quickly.
This type of system may work for you if it's available in S A
I can see what your proposing being quite problematic with the castors and the height you need
There are systems for this, we have some in my firm's meeting rooms so they can be reconfigured to different sizes. I have never paid any real notice beyond that they are based on top/bottom channels a bit like slidey/foldey doors but presumably have an exit point and dismanteleable hinges Probably expensive.
Thanks for the input.

There is not any set period when the walls will be moved, if at all. Client just wants them, (Pintrest is a deadly thing you know)

I am going to have to go with building one as a prototype, I have worked out the weight to be in the region of 300KG, including some ballasting.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Sounds like you need to build a hovering wall powered by a vacuum cleaner blowing, should be easy to move and stable when its in place.
