Established Member
As we're getting hints of spring across here I've been trying to go through the shed to see what wood can be cut into useable sizes. As with most of us there is a good deal of it but the other day I was offered some more. A friend is a woodcutter and said he had some sheoak (sheoke) that has been lying around for years. Well, you can 't refuse especially when it's free and delivered.
I split part off one of the logs and decided the rest could wait until I can get it to our son who has an industrial bandsaw. Sheoak is a casuarina which are some of the hardest timbers in the world as well as some of most showy figure. How it was turned with carbon steel and treadle lathes I dread to think.
I split part off one of the logs and decided the rest could wait until I can get it to our son who has an industrial bandsaw. Sheoak is a casuarina which are some of the hardest timbers in the world as well as some of most showy figure. How it was turned with carbon steel and treadle lathes I dread to think.