Miniature bottles

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Established Member
12 Sep 2017
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I get the impression that there are a lot of blokes on here of a certain age that might be able to help with something that is possibly an older bloke thing. That is ridiculous collections!

I have recently inherited a huge 300+ collection of miniature bottles, all full.

Apart from drink them, some maybe, others YUCK :? , what do I do with them?

PS I’m a bloke of a certain age as well
it is a woodwork forum.

build a cabinet to display them in!
pretend to be a giant.
make a miniature table and chairs, find a mini brandy glass. find somewhere to place them and convince people that they have grown.
wonder round the local city centre claiming to have drunk 4 bottles of (insert type of alcohol in the bottle), when they start to get worried show them the bottle then run away giggling like a child.

donate them to a local bar so they can do the same as above. :)
marcros":3e25tt67 said:
it is a woodwork forum.

build a cabinet to display them in!

I’d have to build another room to put the display cabinet in :D
How about making lots of small display boxes, each one holding say 5 or 6 bottles.

You could group them together, say a variety box whiskies, one of vodkas etc

The flog them on Etsy, the Bay etc

A small wooden display of miniature drinks would make a nice gift I reckon.
OscarG":1yti5lu7 said:
How about making lots of small display boxes, each one holding say 5 or 6 bottles.

You could group them together, say a variety box whiskies, one of vodkas etc

The flog them on Etsy, the Bay etc

A small wooden display of miniature drinks would make a nice gift I reckon.

Cheap miniature wicker baskets filled with straw is the norm for this, isn't it?
Stick a lightbulb on it then, "Etsy it up" as a miniature drinks shabby chic lamp. £200. 8)
My grandma used to have lots, all the whiskey ones where full of cold tea!

if you etsy them you could put them in small boxes with a clear plastic lid that has "break in case of emergency" on it. :D
Geoff_S":2g3t3daj said:
I get the impression that there are a lot of blokes on here of a certain age that might be able to help with something that is possibly an older bloke thing.
I'd have thought it to be a very young lad thing, personally... or maybe just a social class thing common to those travelling on a budget, or frequently holidaying in Brit tourist traps, wherein raiding hotel mini-bars is the custom?
Most of those my age and older seem to have the money for full size bottles of stuff, and are usually self-proclaimed connoisseurs of said beverages...

Make some nice presentation boxes.
Then empty and clean the bottles out, get rid of all the metal furniture and labels, fill them with bath salts, shower gel, perfumey stuff, and whatever else women like in their Lotions & Potions collection, then add a nice mini cork.

Or... same as above, but fill with different coloured sands to make a pretty vista that stretches over twenty or so bottles.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's reminded me that there is a box in the loft full of miniatures, I'll be up there digging them out tomorrow. :wink:
Funny this topic should appear now because I found a Jack Daniels minature (empty) by the garage while walking past just 2 days ago - and had the idea that some of the more interesting shaped minatures might look interesting with LED lights inside - like minature versions of large bottle chandeliers people have made.

Failing that the shadow box frame display sounds like it might earn a little money at a local craft fair but I'd personally do them one at a time rather than grouped - or group ones that don't sell. Alternatively there MUST be a website for such afficionados someplace, to help someone with thier collection?

There's bound to be some that have a decent value.
Contact the manufacturers (distillers) and see if you can sell some back.
They might be interested if the bottles / labels are old and the brand is discontinued.
We have a 30+ year old bottle of Babycham in the fridge, would they be interested?

:shock: :D

Racers":1tr3gb40 said:
We have a 30+ year old bottle of Babycham in the fridge, would they be interested?

:shock: :D

Brings back memories Pete.
When I met my missus she was a student nurse drinking Babycham, not long after we got married she decided she liked Gin and whisky better, Said it was my fault, I'm not convinced :roll: :lol:
not sure a fridge is going to be much good to a 30 year old bottle of babycham. perhaps it's time to remove it and lay it with the aging wines in the cellar. :D
Probably not allowed to sell them on ebay/etsy. Alcohol licensing and all that.

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