millers falls 5 hand drill

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Established Member
11 Feb 2011
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Has anybody stripped one of these hand drills? I want to remove the gear wheels and bearings but cant see how it comes apart.
Thanks Andy. I had seen that site but it is the stage between page 2 and 3. I think it is a pin on the shaft but I was hoping that somebody could tell me whether that is correct and how the gear is held to that shaft. I can't see a pin there but would expect one.
I think that in this picture there is a little pin next to the small gear, and a visible hole where it was. (You can see the matching hole on the shaft.) That will need to be driven out with a punch or blunt nail and gentle tapping. It will be easier one way than the other, and might be tapered making it impossible to remove backwards, so go gently and reverse if getting nowhere.


If the No 5 is the same of course!
I think that you are right- the pin was subtle and concealed beneath grime.

I will have to get a tiny pin punch and give it a try.

Do you have any recommendations for a degreaser on old tools?
I just use whatever is handy - WD40 on small things, or white spirit. When I did my old lathe (which had been stored for years) I bought some stuff from a car parts shop.
The one that I have bought doesn't look as clean as that one. I like the ones that I have seen online that looked polished and painted, so I thought that I would recreate one like that. A set of ball bearings is a couple of quid, and a bit of enamel paint is about my only financial outlay so I thought why not. If it was rare or largely original I probably wouldn't do so.