Joining thick staves

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16 Nov 2011
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I need to produce an oak shelf that is around 2.5" thick which will be constructed of several staves. (I think that's the right word!)
I've been advised that the best way to join the staves is with a finger jointer router bit, but I can't find a long enough bit, let alone one at a price I can justify.
The timber merchant has said they can to do it for me (and it will doubtless be a better job than I can do) but again it's relatively expensive.
I was wondering whether there is another way.

I can produce tenon & mortice joints easily enough and was wondering how much stronger / better a finger joint would be than a deep T&M on this thickness of wood?
Just glue it together. You could use a biscuit/domino/loose tongue/dowel if you wanted to for helping to locate the staves, but there is plenty of glue area and it isnt necessary for strength.

Edit to say: get the joining surfaces prepared and glue it together, not glue together sawn timber.
I'd use glue & biscuit joints too, finger jointing is a PITA. I did it on some hardwood offcuts to make a sheet a few years ago (to cut into windowboards & shelves) and it took ages.