It pays to ride a motorbike !!

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Yeah! The driverleft me for dead then swore blind it was my fault, fortunately for me his passengers had the guts to tell the truth.That was 50 yrs ago and I still suffer the effects, and yes, I'm daft enough to still ride. (Much slower though :lol: )

Steve Maskery":1x72rr9n said:
The fact is that there are good and bad drivers, good and bad bikers and good and bad cyclists. There are many idiots in this world and they don't all share the same preference for transport.


And that, Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, is the truth, the whole truth......

All other permutations are just biased guesswork.
hopefully nobody misses me


looking forward to august when im 21, so i can get a big boy bike, ninja maybe?

eggflan":3olc40fe said:
Well as for the majority of bikers wearing black leathers and clothing , what a load of cobblers that statement is
Come on, be fair, what I acutually said was 'I've followed a number of bikers at dusk. They're riding a black bike, have black clothing (which most of them seem to sport) with a miniscule rear light'.
A number, for me, doesn't mean the majority, it's a percentage of the bikers on the road who ride a black bike and wear black point of fact, this very morning whilst waiting for my lift, another one came machine, black leathers, black helmet.
I also agree with Steve M regarding the undesirable road habits of many cyclists. As far as I'm concerned, we (cyclists) have two wheels and are thus road users and so subject to all the rules and regulations of road use and we disobey them at our peril.
As to the other ejit :lol: :lol: (please note the smilie) who mentioned that Woodenbloke has an opinion on is just my opinion wot I'm entitled to, same as everyone else. The salient point here, and again, my opinion, is that motorcyclists on black machines wearing black clothing don't exhibit the greatest amount of common sense. Next time your out in the motor, just see how many you can's more than you might think - Rob
Knowing car drivers you won't spot many :wink: :D :wink:

Pvt_Ryan":vf0mg568 said:
I know 2 guys, 1 dead and 1 was pretty much in a complete body cast for 6months, both accidents were caused by a lady driver pulling a U turn on sperate occasions.
Proves nothing other than that particular driver wasn't paying proper attention.
I know of a, dead, motorcyclist, who despite having access to a race track decided it was fine for him to ride at speeds approaching 160 MPH on the public roads. How do we know he did those speeds? He filmed himself and his mates doing so. Several of us who saw the DVD predicted his demise. A few months later we discovered we were right.
That doesn't mean all are as stupid and reckless with their lives and those of others.
We bikers may well fall off our machines from our own mistakes, but generally it takes a car/van/lorry driver etc to kill us!
The Dept for Transport puts the blame for most injuries squarely on to the shoulders of these other road users. The 'Think!' campaign is aimed not at bikers but other road users.
ROSPA seem to agree.

andycktm":24aynn4o said:
eggflan, lovely yamaha.How did you manage to get an M1 off yamaha :)

:lol: :lol: Rossi turned his back for too long and i shuffled out of the back door of the pits with it :lol: :lol:

The sticker kit was a rush fit before the TT some years ago after an off i had the week before , i left myself with three days to rebuild it and the kit was cheap so rushed it on then decided that i really liked it 8)
An old mate of mine used to race bikes but very rarely had a road bike. When I asked him why, he replied "When you're racing on a track, you're not going to get a little old lady in a Metro pull out in front of you"
My first vehicle was a Triumph Tiger Cub (that should tell you how old I am) I got caught for speeding on my first day. On my second day I fell off.

On my third day I sold the bike and got a sensible thing with four wheels - a Lotus Elan (OK I was spoilt rotten at that age - I've come down in the world since then). I reckon my liking for a bit of performance and the security of rather more grip overcame the thrill of being out in the open, even in the sunshine.

Once you've been driving for 40 years, you have seen most things. On the whole, most bikers are sensible and reasonably good drivers but of course there are many idiots out there too.

I reckon the car drivers are the worst - they seem bike blind. In fact just blind and incapable of actually concentrating on the road at all. When I see the mobiles, the makeup, the map reading whilst driving, it makes me wish I'd stayed indoors.

Bikers have to ride 'consciously' or they won't live. Its a pity more car drivers (that includes lorries and taxis) don't pay a bit of attention as well and THINK about what they are doing. Both my wife and I hardly talk when we are driving. Passengers usually think we have had a row. The fact is we CONCENTRATE.

All cars and bikes are dangerous machines and should be treated with due respect. Try not concentrating on the bandsaw or the lathe and see what happens to you. Its no different.

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