Is there any adjustment on Reilang oil cans

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Established Member
5 Jan 2012
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I bought a Reilang oil can after reading some reviews on here. Where I work we have several hundred hinges on doors and windows that the boss like oiling once a year! and I thought the Reilang would be ideal.

The problem I'm having is that when you pull the trigger a 6ft stream of oil ejects from the tip. The trigger is quite stiff (probably because its new) so its hard to dispense just a few drops, which is what I want to do.

Is this normal? Is there any adjustment on the mechanism to stop it dispensing so much oil and should the trigger be able to dispense small amounts.

Thanks very much.
Lengthen the operating lever so you have finer control over it.

Replace the spring with a weaker one.

Put 247 wraps of duct tape around the can body so the handle bottoms out before it reaches full stroke.

From looking at this video:

[start at about 8:10 to avoid the waffle]

you might be able to install a stoke limiter inside the can.
Thanks very much ChaiLatte, the vid is really useful. I'll have a go and pull it apart to see if any part is rubbing, as this what it feels like when you pull the trigger, its not very smooth. Otherwise i will try your other suggestions (y)
Cheers David
Thanks Mwinfrance. I tried oiling the pin on the handle that goes through the body and that helped a little bit but not much. I might just empty it and pull the trigger for several mins to see it that loosens anything up. (y)

Cheers David
Thanks very much ChaiLatte, the vid is really useful. I'll have a go and pull it apart to see if any part is rubbing, as this what it feels like when you pull the trigger, its not very smooth. Otherwise i will try your other suggestions (y)
Cheers David
I am having the exact same problem with mine. A search for the problem sent me to this link. Drives me nuts because the video doesn’t seem to have the same issue. Maybe there’s an adjustment somewhere.
There is no adjustment, it shouldn’t be so stiff…i hVe a few of them different sizes that I’ve picked up a car boots etc over the years…none of them are stiff to use, maybe because they’ve been well used.
Id strip it down as you suggest to find out what’s causing the problem..there’s not much to them…
be careful not to loose the ball bearing at the top under the spring..
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I have a Reilang myself and only discovered it's hidden feature after a few weeks of ownership- it has two strokes. Pulling the trigger (towards the body) delivers a larger amount of oil, lifting the lever up (away from the body) delivers a small amount of oil, for more precise applications.
I have a Reilang myself and only discovered it's hidden feature after a few weeks of ownership- it has two strokes. Pulling the trigger (towards the body) delivers a larger amount of oil, lifting the lever up (away from the body) delivers a small amount of oil, for more precise applications.
I've had mine for about 20 years, and never knew that! Mind you, I haven't used it for a long time, because the spout has split ALONG its length for about 100mm. I tried to solder it, but it wasn't successful, and it was just as messy with oil dripping down the can, so under the bench it went. I don't really want to buy a complete service kit; just the spout. I've just this minute had a thought; heat shrink! Back to the workshop!
I have a Reilang myself and only discovered it's hidden feature after a few weeks of ownership- it has two strokes. Pulling the trigger (towards the body) delivers a larger amount of oil, lifting the lever up (away from the body) delivers a small amount of oil, for more precise applications.
Wow. who knew. Thanks very much, can't wait to try that
Wow! The heat-shrink worked! The crack wasn't as long as I remembered; only about 50mm, and on the side of the bend. It looks as if the crack was caused by the nozzle being pressed into the spout.

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