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Established Member
21 Sep 2022
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Hi, I'm Mark, I've joined as I like doing jobs around my house myself and to ask for advice as I go along very slowly, I have a kitchen to install and would like to try and install most of it myself. I did put my mum and dads kitchen in but it was only small, I have other jobs to do but I enjoy doing what I can.

Welcome, there's more than a few kitchen fitters here - no I am not one of them. This site is a fairly broad church with a good mix of skills. Ask questions away, as a community our concern is mainly getting the job done rather than massaging egos.
Hi mark welcome- I’m not a pro kitchen fitter but I’ve fitted several over the last few years, I’ll be happy to advise. The last one I did took a total of 6 weeks but it included tiling the floor, complete redecorate of walls and ceiling, stripping the woodwork and doors back to bare wood and the electrical work not to mention a new towel rail and re routing the pipe work and finally the wall tiles. Just shout if you need help or advise.
Its better to ask a dumb question than make a stupid mistake.
I'm reminded of what I was told as an engineering apprentice... "If in doubt,  think. If still in doubt ask." That always made me feel nervous, it's not necessarily about common sense: after all how could we anticipate every possible risk to life, limb or workpiece?