Incra ls positioned

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Established Member
31 Dec 2011
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Anyone got any views on this system
I was looking at purchasing one for my router table. Was thinking the 25" model and hopefully use with my table saw as we'll
I currently have my router table on right hand of saw table
Do you have plenty of space. I have read a few comments about the fact that they are very space hungry. They look good though, aside from that.
Like most I struggle for space
I have a slightly larger area than a single garage but some space taken up by the freezer and washer.
If I make a new top for my router table and fit the router plate closer to the far end, as opposed to the middle as usual,.
I am sure it won't take up too much room
I think the 17" one would be too short for router and saw use but I won't have the side guide rails just relying on the central bracket for keeping it square
I may be asking too much tho
The LS17 is typically used for a router only setup as the range of measured movement is 17in or 430mm. The LS25 is used for larger router systems and smaller table saw setups. But the LS32 is used more often for table saw systems due to the range of measured movement. Thats not to say the positioner can't be moved on the mounting rails, referenced and then a precision cut made with smaller positioners.

If you want any more information, please let me know.

I've got the 25 and 32 units in a table saw / router rail setup and another router table respectively.

As Garry says, the 17 is not suitable for table saw use, in fact there is some Incra blurb somewhere that says its won't work (not sure how).

As others have said, they are room hungry when extended to the right (or left).

If your router table is not actually connected to the table saw, you could mechanically fasten them and use the Incra rails - this way you get a precision fence for the router and saw at the same time (which is the route I have taken).

As for the quality of the product, I winced at first but when I saw one in the flesh for the first time, I purchased two within 24 hours.

One thing to note if you go the Incra TS route with rails, they are really designed for US style saws which are not as deep as European variants. I have a Hammer K3 and had to knock up an aluminium frame to adapt the length as it was too short.

In regards to recommendation; I would buy it again in a heart beat.
shed9":mal1m22s said:
I've got the 25 and 32 units in a table saw / router rail setup and another router table respectively.

As Garry says, the 17 is not suitable for table saw use, in fact there is some Incra blurb somewhere that says its won't work (not sure how).

As others have said, they are room hungry when extended to the right (or left).

If your router table is not actually connected to the table saw, you could mechanically fasten them and use the Incra rails - this way you get a precision fence for the router and saw at the same time (which is the route I have taken).

As for the quality of the product, I winced at first but when I saw one in the flesh for the first time, I purchased two within 24 hours.

One thing to note if you go the Incra TS route with rails, they are really designed for US style saws which are not as deep as European variants. I have a Hammer K3 and had to knock up an aluminium frame to adapt the length as it was too short.

In regards to recommendation; I would buy it again in a heart beat.

Good to hear some users feedback, I have a full Incra router setup in the workshop the fence is great but my favourite part is the Magna-lock Router plate, thanks for the heads up Mick I will send Garry a reminder he is busy adding a stack of Incra to the website.
Cheers Peter