I quit the rat race for furniture making


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Ross K

Established Member
16 Jan 2009
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hi all, I'm a newbie here and thought I'd take the liberty to introduce myself as I reckon I may end up being a bit of a regular on this excellent forum.

A couple of years ago I did what I'd been saying I wanted to do for years - quit my suit and tie job for my real passion - furniture making.

My dear late father was a superb cabinet maker and he taught me from knee-high age to work with wood. I've been in love with woodworking ever since but up until 2007, work got in the way of my true vocation!!

Luckily my wife is the sort of gal who tends towards action not words and with her encouragement (and some financial support at the start) I went for it. Actually she said "Either you shut up about wanting to be a cabinet maker or you do it, but stop saying I wish I could but I can't because of x, y and z".

So with "you only live once" in mind I handed my notice in from my 20 year career working for a big company and with my wife moved to the sticks and into a "proper" job!

Two years on, I have no regrets. I love every day at work like never before and although my income has dropped considerably I'm much happier and I get to go home every night which is a novelty after years of a travelling job.

Some said it'd be a mistake to convert a hobby into a job but so far I disagree. I'd been making furniture in my spare time since being a kid (I'm 45 by the way) and for sure it's very different now that it's my job.

I was lucky to have got fixed up with a great cooperative of makers and business so far is good and getting better - word of mouth is keeping me in commissions and I'm making a wide variety of products. And enjoying every minute.

The main things I've learnt is that it's bloody hard to make a living at it, and that you have to work harder, more accurately and faster than ever you did as a hobbyist.

But you also get to have an excuse to build up the nicest toybox you ever owned!

Anyway, that's my story in brief so I look forward to contributing to this great little community!

Hi Ross

Welcome to UKW. Great site and lots of knowledgable peeps round here.


Welcome to the forum Ross.

It sounds like you have done something that many on this forum, me included, have thought about but not had the balls to do - good for you.

Cheers, Ed
Great to have you here, Ross.

I made a similar move a few years ago and I am enjoying life like never before.

The difference though, is that I am on the outskirts of Manchester, with around three million people within half an hour's drive of my workshop. Finding enough work is not a problem.

You however, are in the middle of bloody nowhere!

That would worry me a bit.

What sort of work are you doing? Care to share some piccies?

Hi Ross, welcome, come on then show us your photos, WiZeR will be along later to tell you it's the law. Seriously though welcome.
Dan Tovey":1sohpn79 said:
Great to have you here, Ross.

I made a similar move a few years ago and I am enjoying life like never before.

The difference though, is that I am on the outskirts of Manchester, with around three million people within half an hour's drive of my workshop. Finding enough work is not a problem.

You however, are in the middle of bloody nowhere!

That would worry me a bit.

What sort of work are you doing? Care to share some piccies?


Cheers, Dan, it seems I'm not the only "escapee"! Two others in my co-op have done the same thing too...

The Borders is a beautiful place but as you say, sparse in population. That said, there's a good amount of income in the area, especially in the commuter villages south of Edinburgh and of course Edinburgh itself which is just 40 miles away from where I live. I also reach into the Northumberland market just over the border.

It's early days as far as my recent portfolio is concerned, but my website is developing, with more piccies to add: http://rossketteridge.com
Nice website Ross, it looks like you have a very nice life, look forward to seeing more here. Simon
Hello mate, and welcome to the forum.

I went to college and did 3 years site carpentry, having worked with chippies for years. After a short apprenticeship I started trading myself.
I found this forum whilst looking for advice on jobs, and was so amazed by some of the (all of the) work on display here I am now finishing a joinery class, having decided that is where my heart is! Not a lot of money in it yet, but it'll come. I just finished a cabinet for my sister who works with about 50 other women so was hoping to deliver it to her at work, but alas she had a day off and I had to run it to her house!!! Gutted. Could've got some work there.

I think you are a brave man, well done. Makes me believe I can do it.

Hi from me too Ross and welcome. I have been too yellow to follow your lead so far. At 53 I was thinking maybe it is a little too late too but recent events might mean I have to follow suit, if so I just hope I am as lucky as you have been. Glad to have you aboard mate. (Oh, and nice website by the way) :wink:
Nice website Ross.

I particularly like the section on kitchens - an object lesson in how to sell a bespoke kitchen. You start off well by actually praising IKEA kitchens; after all we all know that they are unbelievably good for the money! A lot of makers alienate potential clients by slagging off the likes of IKEA.

Id love to know more about your worskhop set-up. You mention a 'co-op'. Does this mean that you share workshop facilities with other makers?

Looking forward to chatting some more.


PS you can find me at www.thecabinetmakers.com
mailee":1w4z838s said:
Hi from me too Ross and welcome. I have been too yellow to follow your lead so far. At 53 I was thinking maybe it is a little too late too but recent events might mean I have to follow suit, if so I just hope I am as lucky as you have been. Glad to have you aboard mate. (Oh, and nice website by the way) :wink:


I would urge you firstly to sort yourself out a website along the lines of Ross's and mine, and then optimise it so that it appears at the top of local Google searches. All this is completely free - it just takes a few hours of your time.

Do it well and I guarantee that within a few days you will start receiving email enquiries for custom-made fitted furniture. It really is as simple as that.

You have demonstrated over and over that you have the necessary skills to make a decent living out of your woodworking. You also have the workshop set up and ready to go. It sounds like you just need a push in the right direction - your current employment woes might well provide just that.

You are certainly not too old! In fact, people are more likely to place their faith in a man of more mature years and experience.

Contact me if you need any help or advice. That goes for anyone.


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