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Established Member
6 Feb 2013
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How do we describe our work?
is it hand made?
is it home made?
is it just a hobbyist?
and when do you know if your a scroll saw artist, or just a scroll-er or you have got a hobby that you can make a shilling or 2?
just wondering

many thanks
Graham :-?
although I haven't actually made anything yet, I'd be inclined to call it 'hand crafted', good woodworking is an artform in itself from what I've seen, it should be given a fitting name. Now I just have to make something worthy enough :-D
I class my work as amateur wood craft.

Amateur as I don’t get paid for it. (Donated to charity,)( Cornwall MS therapy centre and cats protection).

If I was paid, I would class my work as professional wood craft.

Therefore the main difference between amateur and professional is, if it is unpaid work or paid work and not the quality of said work, if fact many times amateur wok can be of a higher quality than professional work.
The amateur can take as long as it takes to get it spot on, the professional cannot afford the luxury of unlimited time.

Sorry I got bit carried away. #-o

Take care.

Chris R.
l like the hand crafted and Hand Made, but then is a scroll saw artist some one who designs the patterns that we cut out? l am sorry for asking a daft question but l was just pondering
thanks Graham
There are two parts to this -
1. What we would describe ourselves or others would describe us as
2. What we would describe our work as.

I've seen some amazing Scrolled and turned items on this and other forums and I personally would call them an Artist.

I think Home Made lends itself to food items. Hand Made and Hand Crafted would be my choices

As far as a Professional there are several definitions.
a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people.
b. Conforming to the standards of a profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer.
3. Performed by persons receiving pay: professional football.
4. Having or showing great skill; expert: a professional repair job.


just my opinion

Handcrafted works for me,I would say that scrollsaw artist or designer is a good word to cover the patterns that we use to create our crafts IS a scrollsaw artist Sue Mey has some FREE patterns,if you have the means of downloading patterns.I am on the finishing stages of making a compact which was a free pattern,and will post when finished.

thanks for all the reply's l think the one l will use in the future is
Hand crafted, and rolled on the thighs of a young Cuban woman!!!!
thanks nadnerd
many thanks Graham
Ahh but is it really hand crafted or machine crafted as the work is done using a machine and not by hand, unless you say it is guided by hand. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Dalboy":1as9p8pm said:
Ahh but is it really hand crafted or machine crafted as the work is done using a machine and not by hand, unless you say it is guided by hand. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Who cares if they are made by machine or not ! where does one get a young cuban women , :evil: . Any spares down your way Brendan . :roll: :lol: :lol: