How many sheets ?

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Established Member
21 Oct 2013
Reaction score
Wickford , Essex
Hi all

I have a 5mtr x 3 mtr x approx 2mtr shed that i wasnt going to bother boarding out or insulating but am going to cost it with a view to doing before the winter .

i am going to use 18mm moisture resistant t&g flooring as i did on the floor they are 2400mm x 600mm unless there is a cheaper way ? i want ot be able to mountt shelves etc to it so thats the reason i was thinking 18mm.

Can someone work out for me roughly how many sheets i would need?

I realise i have a window and double doors at one end so maybe work out 2 x 5m long x2 high and 1 x 3m long x2m high....if that makes

Thanks in Advance


ps its 13-30 . i imagine i should have an answer in less than 15
I wouldn't clad the walls with chipboard if you intend the shelves to bear any kind of load.

Personally, if looks don't bother you, I'd use 18mm OSB2. 8x4 sheets so you'd need, based on your 2x5m and 1x3m both 2m high (26 sqm), 11 sheets at roughly £15 a sheet.
So i was

The shelves wont bear too much of a load and can screw any brakets into the framework if need be ...i did think of OSB, will have to have a think ....if its 26 sq metres its cheaper to use the t& flooring .
Thanks for your reply.....
If you'll be fixing shef brackets into the studs, you may as well just use 12mm OSB2. IIRC, even Tradepoint prices aren't too bad, around £12 a sheet.
I don't see why not. If you know where you'll be putting brackets, you could always pin some noggins to the back of the boards before you fit them :)