How long have you been turning?

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About five years, off and on - other things tended to get in the way.
(Not any more tho`. :D )
I too first had a go at turning on a drill powered lathe- it was enough to let me see it would be fun!
I had a 2 day course given to me by my late father in 1996 (with Reg Slack) and have been turning since then. However due to work (or sometimes unemployment) it has not been a smooth continuous curve upwards, more a series of peaks and troughs! I have however always belonged to turning clubs wherever I have been based and this has kept the interest up!

I started the day after christmas last year - wasnt allowed to start on xmas day :)
As I sid at the beginning I have been turning for just over 4 years myself but did do it at school. I just found this photo of the last thing I made before going to sea in '66

It's older than most of you guys :lol:
