House fire caused by solar power system

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Eric The Viking

Established Member
19 Jan 2010
Reaction score
Bristle, CUBA (the County that Used to Be Avon)

Given the cowboys operating in this business, and the built-down-to-a-price technology involved, this is probably the first of many similar incidents.

We harvest solar energy ourselves. We have 8 sq m of water heating panels on the roof. In the summer (from about May to September we rarely need anything else to heat the hot water we use, and it makes a significant contribution even on sunny days midwinter. It's delightfully simple and efficient system, and been running for about 15 years now without any big issues* or even servicing. It's a real shame that solar water heating never got the same bung of public money that electrical generating did.

Ho hum.


*I had a bit of lead flashing fail, resulting in a small leak in the roof, but it was minor. They've even been removed for roof maintenance and re-installed, without problems.
How right you are, this could be the first of many, but hopefully it will act as a wakeup call. :shock:

When anything is being cut down to price, corners are bound to be cut, I have been put under that pressure myself, did I cut corners, no, did I make money, no. :roll:

Take care.
