Help. Looking the proper name for a big metal spike?

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Established Member
28 Jul 2008
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Does anyone know the name of the 6' long steel spike that you use to dig fence holes, smash concrete and generally pry things with? I'd like to buy one but I've no idea where to start!


We just call that a pry bar....used to get out big rocks...We have chop sticks to get out the dirt,a two handle set of shovels pinned together at the shovel end.Jab them in dirt pull apart and hoist to get dirt out.
The pry bar was also used to break clinkers out of furnaces...
I have a most useful tool for heavy work - building, demolishing, concret breaking, gardening, tree stump removal, post hole digging you name it.

You get an old pick axe head and a 4-5ft length of scaffold tube ram one end of the pick axe into the scaffold tube hole and Robert is you aunts spouse.

I'd like to say it was my idea, but it ain't true
I think the local wildlife trust that I volunteer with call it a prise bar (I think- awful memory)

I actually managed to bend ours!

johnf":25gt5oom said:

No, this is a crow bar

Like duncan I've called them prize/pry bars in the past.
I bought one of those in Focus DIY not long back. I can't remember how much but remember thinking it was reasonable (£10?)

One end has a point, the other a chisel end.

Straight or bent ends were available.
Yep worked for 37 years with them...Pry bar....mine was 8 ft long.Sure glad I`m done rock hole digging,do not miss it at all :lol:
Crowbar or, perhaps a more specific reference for the UK is Spud bar (but strangely not used...). The "jimmy" or "gooseneck" (i.e the smaller, curved one in the pic above) is often referred to as a Crowbar too.

Why you asking? If you're going to buy one, ask for a Crowbar at a builders merchants or "one of those long, heavy, breaker bar type things" if you're going to a DIY shed.

Got mine from the builders merchants... :lol:
I'm ashamed to say, that in my younger days, in a display of Brute Force And Ignorance, I bent one of these, the 60"x 11/2" one. When I bent it back to straighten it, the new bend and the old one didn't quite coincide and I now have a rather unique slightly 'S' shaped heavy duty crow/pry/nail/spud/anythingelse bar. Ooops.


PS Yes, I can provide photos to prove it.