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Established Member
7 Oct 2021
Reaction score
Only recently found this forum... and it looks like an extremely rich source of information and inspiration.

I'm just a keen DIYer who - many years ago - did a reasonable-ish amount of house renovation and a bit or rudimentary cabinet work (no training - just a little bit of a background in engineering). Then life and work got in the way, the years passed - and I now find I've got a list of jobs and projects that'll take me a couple of lifetimes to complete. Meanwhile, so much has changed in the world of tools and techniques so I'm looking to re-learn the little I used to understand... wipe the dust of my old tools... source a few extra bits and bobs... and get stuck into a few projects.

Looking forward to learning from everyone here.
Hello, and welcome to the forum.
Plenty of good advice to be had here, and if you're ever looking
for an opinion you'll not be shortchanged.
Thanks jcassidy.
To be honest... I'm not the sharpest tool in the box - so I'm probably immune to sharpening issues.
Welcome to the forum. Pretty new here myself.

Your intro sounds a bit like me back in 1981 when I renovated an old dilapidated farmhouse on the west Yorkshire moors making window frames, doing plumbing, electrics etc., etc.
Welcome, ive been on here for a few months and there are some interesting feeds and members on the forum. Definitely a wide range of opinions. Totally enjoyed reading the post and hope overtime as I pickup skills I will be able to share with others and have a greater input into these threads.