My Hegner saw is bolted to a Hegner, three leg stand, this stands on a concrete floor, as it is three legs, no levelling is required, it does not require bolting down, and saw/stand is completely vibration free.
Hi Tom My Multicut 1 has been bolted to the Hegner stand like Chris from day one a lot of years ago.I am wondering why you are getting vibration if the machine is bolted down?.In my opinion I don't think that a vibration problem should be happening.
All scroll saws have inherent vibration, though the Hegner should be quite smooth, especially when bolted down. How bad is the vibration? How solid is your bench?
Mine is on a Hegner stand and is smooth enough, but I do have my stand bolted down, although the main reason for that is so it doesn't get pulled over - I tend to grab hold
of it when going down the steps into my inspection pit.
I have my Hegner bolted to the stand with a gasket inbetween. The actual 3 legged stand is freestanding so to speak and is vibration free. If you have yours bolted to a workbench and there is still vibration, I would say that something is not quite right. A common problem is the link with the two bearings in it. I would check that for any deformity of cracking.
I don't know if all the stands are the same, but my stand had lugs welded to the bottom of the legs with holes for bolting it down. I say "had" because I chopped 3" off each leg.
I also have put a gasket underneath the machine before I secured it to the stand like Kev.There are no holes in the feet of the stand just a insert in each of the three feet.It just sounds like a sewing machine and no vibration. :roll: