Harry Potter


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Do you read Harry Potter books

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I have read them, mainly because SWMBO gets them - as a primary school teacher she needs to know what the children are on about!

They are certainly not the best thing I have ever read, and not the sort of book I would read more than once, just out of curiosity. Certainly wouldnt queue up at midnight th get a copy. If they get children reading however then that can only be a good thing.

Bodrighy":2f9ttfdu said:
What is a bad book anyway?

The answer is I suspect what was told to me by a producer of wines.
" There are no bad wines, it is the case that some are just better than others"
ByronBlack":28go85wa said:
Senior - i've always imagined you as a wizened gnarled dwarf :) I agree that the films are far too long.

:lol: :lol: I really can't imagine where you got that image from, if I had to pick a literary character I resembled ...... possibly scrooge :shock:

Honestly, 9 hours of Lord of the rings was a real endurance, by the end I really was done in, mind you I read the book and felt exactly the same, I think that took me about 6 months, bit slow on the books (that goes for accounts as well)
I read them to my kids as bed time stories and by the time we got to book 4 I was hooked and reading a head, got the final book ordered to pick up at midnight on Friday. I don't care what anyone thinks I enjoyed reading them and that's all that matters.
Gill":7fvboa0s said:
Given the choice of The Lord of the Rings and any Harry Potter novel as opposed to The Satanic Verses and Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, I know which selection I'd make :) !

Is it against the Geneva Convention to inflict torture by literature? It should be!


I think I would be prepared to bite my own face off rather than read 'To The Lighthouse' again...
War and peace is another, I've started it so many times but there are so many characters that by chapter 3 I usually am so confused that I have to start again.
Paul Chapman":4ku9ow54 said:
Bodrighy":4ku9ow54 said:
(Except newspapers....never get one)

Try "Private Eye" - it's a good laugh and you get to find out what's really going on :wink:

Cheers :wink:


Agree - off topic a bit.... wonder what it'll say about a certain blonde haired politician going for a high profile post in London :lol: - Rob
woodbloke":3i17ejet said:
Agree - off topic a bit.... wonder what it'll say about a certain blonde haired politician going for a high profile post in London :lol:

At least with Boris we'll get a few good laughs - the others just make you want to cry (or emigrate) :cry:

Cheers :wink:

Boris would be great for mayor! He would have free access to bouncy castles, and allow bicycles right of way anywhere in the city :)

Atleast he's a real human unlike that snivvelling toad that is livingstone, never a more snidey self serving guttersnipe has been in such a position of power in our capital than him. Edit: In my purely uneducated and humble opinion.
BB wrote -
Atleast he's a real human unlike that snivvelling toad that is livingstone, never a more snidey self serving guttersnipe has been in such a position of power in out capital than him
Steady on BB....liable to feel the tingle of the lash from the Mods :lol: - Rob
Sorry.. it's like a red rag to a bull when the esteemed right honorable Mr Livingstone is near a conversation.

Back to harry potter - he's such a smug little so and so aint he! :lol:
Talking of HP, we went thru' a very dodgy patch 8-[ with my daughter a few years ago (she's fantastic now, so no worries on that score) and she cut herself on her forearm quite deeply :shock: and I had to get her into hospital sharpish. The only way that the medicos (and they were great) could fix it was to turn the original 40mm cut, under a general anaesthetic, into the shape of a letter Z, so she now has the mark of Zorro on her forearm and not HP's Z on her forehead : :lol: - Rob...who'd let CZJ from the film mark him at any time :p
Rob, pleased to hear your daughters good, what did she think of the 'Z' scar?

And excuse my ignorance, but who or what is CZJ?
BB - Megs is quite proud of her scar, over the years its all but disappeared and she's not really bothered about it now nor is she self conscious in any way. Catherine Zeta........ :wink: - Rob
now your talking! Didn't realise she was in the film. She was staggerinly gorgeous in entrapment.


Very athletic girl.
BB - now I'm just wondering to myself how flat and straight those laser lines are and if there's any way of testing them for straightness as it's an interesting and quite absorbing technical thing to do but...... she'd have to stay in that position while measurements were taken :roll: - Rob
That image wasn't actually taken from the film Entrapment, but instead it was a mock for Black & Deckers handy wall mounted laser line shelf putter-upperer. The things companies will go to sell their shoddy goods :)
Why don't you guys just get yourselves a scrollsaw and cut these sorts of pictures out of wood? Then when the missus starts asking you what you're drooling over, you can tell her truthfully that it's just a bit of woodwork.

Tch... I dunno :roll: .


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