Happy Birthday Alf


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Oh is it ? That one almost sneaked past! Happy Birthday.
:eek:ccasion4: :eek:ccasion5:
Cheers Mike
Just for you Alice;


:eek:ccasion4: :eek:ccasion5:

OK what shiny bits of metal were in the parcels then :?: :tool: :tool:
Hang on a minute it was my Birthday too on the 30th :lol: But I think at 59 yesterday I got a few years on Alf!

So Happy Birthday Alf and me :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lord Nibbo":1n56wz5i said:
Hang on a minute it was my Birthday too on the 30th :lol:

And it was mine as well - and I have a few years on both of you - so :eek:ccasion4: Alf and LN for yesterday :D

Cheers :wink:

:eek:ccasion4: Alf and LN

I hope you had a good one and may you grease many a slope :shock: :wink:

I bet the tool piskies did come :)
Happy Birthday, Yer Lordship. Happy Birthday, Paul. Happy Birthday Steve's SWMBO. Thanks folks. Popular day; my sister-in-law's sister, Van Gogh and Rolf Harris too...

No shiny parcels - after years of threatening it I finally decided this year I just wasn't doing birthdays or Christmas. Mainly 'cos I'm fed up with the "tick box" present giving; rather defeats the point to my mind. How many books on cats and parrots can one person need?* Will there ever be a couple of cube of assorted hardwood wrapped up with a bow on? No. So no pressies for me (except from two people who wouldn't take the hint - books on "Cats at the British Museum" and "Parrots in Art". Aaargh) but on the other hand no pressure to high-tail it into the workshop to do gifts for other people either. I'm persuing a policy of "I saw it/fancied making it and thought of you" present-giving instead, which will hopefully result in more thoughtful gifts friends and family may actually want instead of ohmygodit's<blank's>birthdayandIhavetogetsomething.

Sorry, bit of a Scrooge-ish rant there. I'm not a mean person, honest! Just hate the dateline pressure. Probably my age... (yes, Phil, 21 again :lol: )

Cheers, Alf

*Experiment has shown the answer to be "none" :wink:
Happy birthday, Alf!
Best wishes and all the very best.
