Grass trtee stump/root

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Or Xanthorea to use it's proper name. Yes I have turned it and it's not nice! It's very dry and dusty and from what I've heard, the dust is nasty stuff too so good dust filtration and a good clean up of both the workshop (and yourself!) afterwards is essential. Having said that, it does look nice when finished!
Its a nice shaped piece which I bought to make a table lamp ,thanks for the warning regarding dust what did you finish yours with
I have turned it once and never again, worse than banksia nut by a long way. I was warned about it and brought one of those all over paper overalls, like the police wear on TV but the dust still got in everywhere and blocked all my air filters up.

But as Paul says it did look very nice when finished.


I have turned one and have another left to do, it's a bit dusty, but I found it easy enough to work with.
